Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Operation клад


shakh i mat

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What a time to be poor due to non donors and running short of bandwidth for posts.

This must be addressed concerning nuclear escalation, in literally, these cartel woke faggots from NATO, London and DC are attempting to goad Russia into launching nuclear weapons.

Leave the hysteria behind and instead remember what the Lame Cherry explained to you. This Rainbow wokester group has Star Wars. They believe their high tech will be able to neutralize enough Russian nuclear firepower OVER THEIR BUNKER CITIES, while using the Russians to vaporize those areas which you could term "Christian" in Europe and the United States.

To explain this as no one else will. If NATO or America launched a non nuclear attack with these super weapons, Russia would in Dead Hand get more than enough nuclear ICBM's through to damage the bunkerstate.  If though Russia follows what it should in incremental escalation of 

Direct conventional confrontation of NATO
Responding to NATO with troop movements
NATO doing nuke bursts over Russian forces
This then would bring low yield tactical nukes to Europe and submarine nukes into America.

That launch sequence can be neutralized to save the bunkerstate, but the bunkerstate wants you dead and Russia to cull you with their  nukes in Christian areas, which would be a part of his progressive drift. 
This then allows bunkerstate law to let you bleed out of your asshole to death, and land seizure and property seizure to serve the bunkerstate  as this match then moves to starving China out.

SECOND Russian Early Warning Radar Hit By US-Ukraine
And An Attempt To Hit A Third One - Russia Is Now Fully
Within Its Rights To Launch A Nuclear Retaliation...

Three Questions About The First Attack On The
Russian Nuclear Missile Early Warning System

Russia Has Moved 11 Nuclear Submarines Into The
Atlantic Ocean - Wake Up, Everyone...

Medvedev Warns Poland ‘It Will Get Its Share
Of Radioactive Ash’

Putin Warns West About Consequences Of Its Attacks
On Russia

Everything Is Heading Towards Global Impacts!

Neocons Favor Nuclear War

Admiral Sir Clive of  Johnstone of the Normans had this rather head up the ass assessment of what the Russians were responding with.

“We don’t understand what the strategic and operational objectives are of the Russian State,” he says in the interview with IHS Jane’s, adding: “a lot of what the Russians are doing at the moment we don’t understand, and it is obscure and is shrouded in other activity which makes us nervous, and makes nations nervous.

The strategic and operational objectives are simple, even a Anglo can figure this out with a little Saxon help.

Submarines can be tracked, but not under  Arctic ice. Ice is a shield, as much as laying silent in deep water and then moving to the Continental shelf in America. There will be a series of diversions, and the Russian submarines will not appear, but will blast through surface shields, and in a 7 minute launch, the warheads will be on their downward traejectory while Star Wars is just acquiring the targeting off the engine plumes.

.....and to make this all successful, those tracking satellites which Russia has in low earth orbit are going to create blind spots in the Star Wars shield.

Russia has fail safe deep water pods, for lack of a better term of nuclear missiles. The "other activity" is NORAD watching the girl in the submarine where your fire controls are pointed. The submarines are decoys, armed nuclear decoys

This is the Russian "habit". They overwhelmed trillion dollar spending on high tech weapons from America using decoys. They will burn out the Star Wars magazines, before they deliver the punchline:

Dear Occupant of 1600 Penn Avenue. Your Star Wars is depleted. You have struck Russia with your beam and rod weapons and Russia has not struck you. Before our Bulava and Sarmat ICBM's are launched to vaporize you in the next 30 minutes, you will surrender as Russia can and will with the S 500 missile defense shoot down every remaining American nuclear system".

President Vladimir Putin with his advisors had this all planned out during Bush43. They had the plan, then built the system to defeat Star Wars. The District of Crooks is still playing off Reagan's Doctrine which is 40 years old.

Russia will not be goaded. It will run it's operations as it has built them and they will succeed.

Nuff Said

