Monday, May 20, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is in plain sight of all of us and it needs to be understood in how we really see. You need to know how to see as much as how to not have others and AI to not see you.

With regard to colors, lighting conditions matter. Studies done for traffic safety, i.e. best colors for roadside construction crews emergency vehicles such as firetrucks etc. indicates that people with normal color vision pick up orange slightly better daylight and pick up line green better and reduced light.

Those with normal color vision pick up orange vest but it doesn’t work for people with every degree of red green color blindness. Those with some degree of colorblindness do better with yellow/green.

As someone in my fifth decade, I was an early adopter of physical optics and currently use them on both my duty off-duty in competition guns.

Adrian bull’s-eye pistol shooters were one among the earliest adopters of pistol optics. The fact is those of us with aging eyes have more game from pistol optics than those who still have 2020 or better vision. I still have an occasionally shoot pistols with iron sites, and it’s all good with glasses.

However for real world applications I’m a big believer in the Mike Tyson principle. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. As such I’ve also made it a point to shoot both iron sight and pistol optics without RX glasses. Without the “cheaters” I shoot significantly better with optics equipped pistols.

Hunter orange. Road crew green.

 Mike Tyson principle. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.
