Monday, May 20, 2024

Dr. Nukelov


We liberate America and Europe by using tactical weapons to strike their police state
their economic enslavement towers, so the populations take back their nations 
and conduct the fighting for us.

It is termed the Alphabet Doctrine in eliminating the CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, MI6, MI5
10 Downing, 1600 Penn oligarchy complex.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It really does a disservice to the West when sites like the Health Ranger post commentary with invectives, because it scares them that there is a Russian strategist who has formulated a scenario which Russia would strike with tactical nuclear weapons in order to stop the escalation to a thermonuclear war which would end the technical civilization as we know it.

Noting that a Russian detests the West for thinking Russia is inferior or that he views nuclear weapons as just that in weapons, adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. What must be focused upon is what the Russians have moved beyond thinking, to what they are formulating.

The Lame Cherry can inform you exactly what the Kremlin leadership is thinking. They do not want to fight a nuclear war. They are sending every signal they can in appointing key people in the President Putin 6th term, who are focused on civil defense for a big war, the realignment of Russian war production for a big war, and are those strategists who are involved in assessing all options for Russia's survival, like Dr. Nukelov as I call him, in Professor Sergie Karaganov.

Meet you on the other side.

The 71-year-old political scientist believes that Russia should nuke the West and Europe "to save the world" from a full-blown war. Such a move would supposedly test the resolve of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as well as the United States' commitment to its allies. Last year, he said no country would consider responding to a strike because it would leave the world in "radioactive ruins."

"The enemy must know that we are ready to deliver a pre-emptive strike in retaliation for all of its current and past acts of aggression to prevent a slide into global thermonuclear war," 

This popular girl turned poor orphan will set this up so you comprehend what is taking place. In Russia, the final solution is their hypersonci ICBM's. This is not what they are going to launch, until it goes doomsday. If this goes punching the District of Criminals in the nose line,  it will be their nuclear submarines off thee American coasts. If this is the red line, then Russia will hit the parts of NATO hard with tactical nuclear weapons in Romania, Poland, the Baltics, France and England. Leaving a composite of central Europe of Germany to Italy as an area to rebuild from.
If the message is prelude to tactical nuclear weapons, Russia will strike NATO, England, France, American NATO bases in Germany and Romania, and Norfolk in the United States.

In prelude to this, Russia will run a submarine into an Aircraft carrier to disable the carrier and knock American planes out of the sky with Russian planes. It comes to this first option, it means that these wokesters have crossed lines in Ukraine in sending in NATO troops and are flying F 16's out of NATO bases to hit Russia, because Russia is cutting off and killing Kiev forces in Kharkov.

Russia with the culling operation of Christians in Kiev, has this blog stated, has crumbled the Kiev forces. It is a situation if Kiev moves forces north, Russia strikes south. If forces move north, Russia strikes south. Russia is holding the Kiev center with a brigade against superior forces. Russia appears to not going to make any mistakes in shorting their lines for a surprise attack. It is Kiev which snatched 350,000 males off the streets for the defense of Kiev. Kiev is now a bunker city. Russia in pincer has cut off the road to Kharkov. What will follow is a death enlisting retreat back across the Dneiper by Kiev.

This is why the Russians are posturing and the NATO auxiliaries are grimacing as Moscow just defeated NATO's best doctrine, American think tank head up their ass projections, and 3 NATO trained Ukraine armies have been obliterated, with thousands of mercenaries. Russia defeated thee entire doctrine of NATO and the Pentagon. Russia has won and Russia does not desire to fight another war which is expanded to NATO as their security doctrine is being formed in splitting NATO to the north and south to leverage the east by political pressure.

That is the backdrop of all of this in Dr. Nukelov. The Russian order of battle is content to obtain this victory and even more so, it is willing not to lose this victory, but snapping tactical nuclear weapons to convince the political Europeans that what comes next are the ICBM's, so this stops here and negotiations will be with words, not with bombs.

Now Russia would not be unwelcoming to a limited nuclear war in the Mideast in Tel Aviv and Tehran, as much as driving the Americans out from their south flank. This would be the fear porn which would work on the European mindset to stop thinking that they can whistle through the nuclear graveyard.

It is as this blog stated, what the Russians are thinking, not what we think about what the Russians are thinking. It is completely sound doctrine to use tactical nuclear strikes as this would work in Europe.England and France have limited arsenals. The Russian S 400 is over the horizon. The S 500 is a space defense. They could shoot down enough of the English and French warheads to absorb that kind of damage, while Russian strikes in England and France would bring them to ruin, and the rest of the EU would be offering up their vaginas to save themselves.

Germany and others would not die for London and Paris, and certainly not Poland or Romania. This comes into the reality of fracturing NATO as the Berlin minds would be telling the District of Criminals to not elevate this as they will not support this American stance and will seek terms with Moscow as without Paris and London intrigue the rest of Europe sees a domination of the continent.

In assessing this, if I was evolving white papers for the NSA and DIA, what Russia is engaged in, is exactly what I would be advocating to Vladimir Putin for continued Russian existence, and I would be stating the obvious that while the projections did factor in a Russian victory in order to draw out Russia, Russia is already in retreat to Asia, so divide up Ukraine between Russia, Poland, Romania and Hungary, give German the Prussian lands back, afford a land link to Russia in Kaliningrad, and put the Russian wolf back to it's den, as the Obama insistence of starting a war with Peking would produce a famine in China where Chinese would be invading Russia in settlers looking for food. Russia having to use forces to fend off China in border security and bribing China with resources, deals with this situation.

America is already erased and replaced by the globalists so what venture forward is hardly anything to worry about ruling tomorrow or fighting wars.

The cartel woke have done a splendid psychological elimination of affinity of the Western Peoples from their regimes. They all hate these regimes, whether the right or the left. They will not fight for them and relish someone fighting against them. They would celebrate an outside force liberating them from taxes, being hunted down and being erased with invaders. The Russians understand all of this and would in this gambit build upon the mandates which have been unleashed against the Western populations. That is what is behind Dr. Nukelov as he has psychologically factored in that the population does not want to die for hedgefund fag billionaries. Faced with a nuclear final solution, the populations not having any other choice would choose to die bringing down their regimes, instead of being vaporized by regime policies in using Russian missiles to eradicate them.

Once again, analysis which you do not hear and most of you do not pay for.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
