Saturday, May 25, 2024

It Snows In HAARP Summer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The mountain passes in the Bitteroots were blocked with a snowstorm and now it is snowing AS THE DAY WARMED UP in nuclear Minot North Dakota, proving it never rains in southern California and it snows in the Plains in Summer when HAARP is around.

It is what it is. They can on a 50 plus degree morning, make it start snowing as the sun is up and temperatures are rising to the 70's. This is nuclear containment.

As the Lame Cherry projected though, Russia is no going to waste 400 warheads on missile silos that are empty, missiles that will not fire, and missiles their S 500's can shoot down. This using Christian America as Pentagon bait and fodder is not going to work, and containing a non strike is another HAARP lezbo flat brain idea. All this is kill baby ducks, geese, lambs, calves and they pull this in another few weeks and it will freeze off food supply.

Nothing new in this, except on other subjects the popular girl has lots of company in the spiders are wondering why I do not know anything about anything.

Those in power though have concluded for the past months that we are closer to a nuclear strike than we have been told.
