Sunday, May 26, 2024

Civilized Brain - Survival Brain

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I watch these preppers with interest. There is a codger in Australia who always is offering half assed advice and in his latest post, you will not read this commentary until months later, he is offering 13 ways of when the Shit Hits the Fan Scenario.

I realize in the FBI world and DOJ that one can not just write things or one ends up getting arrested, but this codger in Oz is not prepared and you can read it in his posts. The reason he is not prepared is because he is still in a CIVILIZED BRAIN. This is not the invaders or the 85 IQ who are beating White people to death in schools and streets who have already gone with the animal brain of shitting in the streets and robbing everyone.

The Civilized Brain hedges. The military destroys that part of the brain with training in it turns off the normal limits of we do not kill other people. Police in America have had that turned off by Mosaad indoctrination and that is why cops of all sorts unload on little Ashli Babbitt when she is unarmed.

You are not going to have any of that training, but you are going to have to from this point on, to develop a mindset, that once civilization is gone, that means the police are gone so they will not arrest you that you have to shift to SURVIVAL BRAIN.

It is like a clutch in a pick up. You depress the clutch, and shift to overdrive. You only use that in special conditions, otherwise you are putting around in the other 4 gears of civilization. You use that on the interstate which is a law unto itself.

I'm not advocating that you get into a mindset of killing people. I'm telling you that if you hesitate when the police are gone, that the animals you meet, are already in the mindset of murdering you or worse, so you will end up dead, because they will be that fraction of a second faster than you hesitating.

There is a movie starring John Wayne, and that horrid Ron Howard called  The Shootist. I really dislike that movie in only having seen it once as Wayne has cancer and dies, in a gun fight as he prefers that.

At one point liberal Ronnie is having Wayne show him how to shoot, and Ronnie says, "I don't get it. I can shoot as good as you. How come you are still alive?"

John Wayne explains this, way, "In a gun fight, most men will hesitate. They will flinch. They will wait. I WON'T. I shoot".

You do not pull a gun to threaten people. You pull a gun to shoot people dead. You are not Roy Roger shooting guns out of people's hands, because no one can shoot that good nor put a bullet hole in the center of a head. You draw a firearm and it is a fluid motion to pulling the trigger. 

If you screw around when the cops are gone, and let someone go free, they will be back with others and they will work you and your family over before they murder all of you.The animal brain is like a lion killing a  zebra. It is there in your home, it is threatening you, because it means to harm and end your life. If you do not have that understood before all of this, then you just sell your macho guns and build some bunker they will have to ferret you out of, because you will just be providing the mob more guns from you, your wife's pussy and your children's asses to rape. I know you do not want to think about that nor does codger prepper, because he does not address his geezer wife being gang raped to death. So his plan is not relevant.

He does suggest stun guns and other nonsense. Most people can not afford a stun gun, and can only afford one of the real thing which they do not shoot because ammo is scarce by design. I would love to have a stun gun, but I zap some animal brain, and they always travel in mobs, all I have done is let them get too close for the stun gun, and now they have their weapons out and are charging me to murder me.

Codger also has no idea about guns.

Gun or rifle. This is a deadly weapon, and it should be carried only by someone with sufficient experience

He apparently does not think knives or bats are deadly weapons which exposes more idiotry.

I will hopefully do a bit of a post that you might read before this as this one is months in advance, but I will be blunt. Handguns take allot of practice which people do not do. If you have a handgun you have let an animal too close to you. Rifles are wonderful if shooting people at long distance. The answer is then a shotgun, like the Marines have.

I have a Turkish Panther or Pandu pump shotgun in 12 gauge. When the HAARP was trying to keep Russia from nuking America, I invested the 187 dollars in this well made weapon which is like a Remington 870 in design.

This is loaded with light 2 3/4 double OO for four buck, to manage recoil as I'm not shooting at people 100 yards away. This is with painted on glow night sights, and a stock bandoleer, what is a one shot, providing the target is hit, when the police are no longer available to phone up.

As we live in relative civilization yet, my eyes and my feet are my defense. I back away or run away from any danger. I do not draw weapons on criminals as I still have to explain to police what my weapons are about. Guns are for when the world no longer has police in it. That should be clear and  a short barreled shotgun, as your primary and perhaps the wife having some handgun as back up is where this all degrades to.

While I'm not advocating this, I'm referencing I think it was an NRA account from years ago, where there was a guy in LA (this was like 30 years ago so you know how bad it was then), he left for the weekend and found his metal front door jerked out and on the lawn, his house looted and his neighbors didn't do a thing. The follow up was which stunned me in reading it, was he was on a busy LA street, lots of traffic, he got out of his car, and a gang of blacks appeared who were going to rough him up, rob him, and maybe murder him.
His response was, he pulled his gun shot one of them in the leg (fortunate he did not miss) dropped the criminal, and the others were stunned as they did not have guns then. His next action was stunning in he just got into his car and drove away. No thought of calling the cops, or figuring he would be found as this was before all these street cams.

That was the old west version of the Three S's. Shoot, Shovel and Stomp. That though is when the cops are still around to arrest you as no one is going to burying criminals as more will appear and end you.

 No one is going to have to be told when the shit hits the fan. It will be obvious, but civilization or normal curbs have ended. Americans are being taught as foreign invaders are that laws are only for the compliant, as the metro gets looted and shit upon, as invaders trash hotels in that money laundering scheme.

We all need God as Protestant Christians, but we are going to have to shift from Civilized Brain to Survival Brain to survive. If you do not, odds are you will be one of the statistics in this predatory chaos.

The biggest chest thumpers now will be the most deliberate psychopaths and cowards then.

Nuff  Said

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet 1974 Video Sound HQ - YouTube

Mar 18, 2014 ... BTO - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Single, Album, Not Fragile 1974) Randy Bachman - Vocals, Guitar C. Fred Turner - Bass Blair Thornton ...
