Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Noem Reich Approved

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know quite what to make of this, but in my contacts and investigations of the reaction of people in South Dakota to the revelations that Governor Kristi Noem is rampaging maniac who slaughters puppies and goats, I desire for you in the information which is provided below to gain the feeling of what I was picking up, that there is a true political schism in America and the cartel in putting forth these candidates to alienate voters has been successful, in while Trump has long lines in New Jersey, elsewhere the political waters are brewing a different politic.

In building upon the slaughter spree of Kirsti Noem, it was actually worse in she had an audience of construction crew workers who watched this orgy of slaughter, no doubt terrified at this crazy woman. Seriously, country people if they see someone, they tend to reign things in. Noem is a personality that even if there are witnesses, she does not just blow the head off a puppy, she goes back, drags in a goat, misses the goat, gets more ammo and then  blows the head off the goat as he road crew watches.

From reports to me from South Dakota, mostly women, the phrases of "stupid" is often heard and they do not like Kristi Noem in the least. Noem barely was getting elected with above 50 percent in a GOP state, so she was already in trouble with her flooding that Reagan state with foreigners and liberals, she is definitely in political trouble in South Dakota and everywhere else.

South Dakotans are disgusted by being made a joke of and that this woman is damning their reputation as puppy killers. That is the conversation.

Now here is something on the ground in Noem's home district which is revealing and this portends across America. People there do not like Biden. They are saying Bobby Kennedy is stupid for admitting he had a brain worm. Stupid is a refrain in this, as people can not figure out why you shoot a puppy and then tell people......that is stupid, stupid as Noem thinks this gives her standing in some group.

Noem has been loading up her people, a skirt into her district who took down another Republican.  Above you have this Nazi, national socialist of Noem in Fred Deutsch who made South Dakotans anti Semites with penalties for Noem and the Ashkejews. In this district there are two Republicans on the ballot challenging Noem's people, and from what I have been told, law enforcement is openly campaigning for these contenders.

This is a schism in politics. It is happening in bodunk Dakota, so it is the same reaction that readers have here to this clown show of these installed politicians, loathing Americans, leaving Ashli Babbitt to be murdered and worshipping the Tel Aviv rulers of the world.

Joe Biden has a rejection of party. RFK is doing is worst to lose this so he does not become the Trifecta Kennedy in flipping every week on some issue, and then there is the future jail cell elector of Donald Trump, who people detest in noting how awful he is. Yes it will be el presidente Rubio, but at the heart of this Americans are refusing to be led where these puppets are trying to lead them.

They are not falling for the push pull of Fred and Kristi where Kristi is pro pedo and Fred sponsors a bill against pedos and nothing changes in Pedokota.People are onto this and they are angry. They are not going to rural rise up as they are not stupid, but it is dust off their shoes in democrat or republican they have pulled away from this shit.

The only person I found was a guy in Himmler spectacles who thought what Noem did was fine and just allot of noise. You can always find apologists for anyone and the glaring example are Netanyahu and Zellinskyy being worshiped by Ziongelical Speaker ..........I forget that greasy haired 1950's looking Dark Kent who wants to be Jewper Man.

The point in this is that there is an American majority which has formed which is not going to be sodomized nor told that this is all there is.Women are in this venue in numbers and Noem is a microcosm of this schism of the right and left which detests this uniparty.

What I believe will happen is not a revolution, but people will just stop supporting this international regime. They will pay their fines, pretend subservience, but hope for a war that this woke West loses or Wormwood evens the field. People are waiting to be liberated. From the grassroots up, they are still advocating and Lord are they political yet in their addressing things, but once this shit that has floated to the top has reached it's shelf life, the shoots of grass are going to push through this grave and things will green up again.

Nuff Said
