Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Magic Carpet Ride

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I stated, not getting involved in this, did inquire, and the ruse has worked as the glow worms are in spasm trying to spin this and the fringe is fingering the wrong aimra'a.

Moscow Sees Sabotage Of Raisi's Helicopter
Putin Summoned Iran's Ambassador For Briefing
'Let's Find The Real Causes...'

Former Iranian Official Blames US For Iran President's Death
Says Copeter Crash Will Be 'Recorded In The Black List'

Iran To Hold Presidential Elections On June 28

Was Raisi Helicopter Crash An Israeli Act Of War?

The Bavarian seers actually saw something generated which would make sense now if the Persians figure this out. In inquiry, just like the Boston Blow Job, holder set up North Korea, but the Pyongyang operatives turned this on it's head and framed Eric Holder who had to offer up FBI assets in the Chechen boys, this time it pointed to someone which made sense again, and in the Bavarian seers, it would make sense for Persia and the Kremlin to hit the source.

It is the master of Berliner Boy Obama, you remember the Birther. He blew up the world which set off these invasions into the 1st world to topple those nations. If Iran would follow this boy Obama, the projection would be a disruption of Western finance, a massive wave of refugees pouring into the state of Tel Aviv, toppling it, and the financial would global depress and kick the rungs out of what is left of Miss Usa.

We have entered the age of assassinations. This will build by design.  The Bavarian seers have a lock on a Big Event for Miss Usa which would be the taking out of the legs and head.

Short inquiry said something about device by pilot. Not probably going to look into this further as I know nothing about it.

MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024

Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride (Version 1969) - YouTube

Aug 10, 2012 ... Written - John Kay, Rushton Moreve Steppenwolf was a highly-influential American hard rock band, based in Los Angeles, CA from 1968-1976.

Nuff Said
