Sunday, May 26, 2024

Spring Fever

No you do not have a fever, Herr Splotsteosser, I am La'me Cherry's cousin
Dr. H
eiß Cherry and I'm just that hot.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The global fraud takeover of the world in various diversions, in this one WHO has named a Disease X, while the following is not Disease X, it is a insight into the control spread again of a spring fever of sort which TL and I just recovering from.

TL thought it was allergies, allot of snot in the throat and in the nose. I only figured out it was a bio cold a week later when it hit me fast, with a throat that felt like when you burp up acid reflux or bile. I just could not figure out it it was something I ate first. By the second day, it was in my lungs and tonsils. Day 3 it was into my sinus. That had me taking 2 ibuprofen every 2 hours as my sinus felt like that acid reflux and someone hammering from the inside with a hammer. Made me nauseated.

I'm getting over the head plugged up and watery drip out my nose by Day 5. Little cough and slight sinus dull head ache. Slept two hours with TL this afternoon and feel like I could sleep again.

In none of this would I consider I had a sore throat. It was just that burning. It would hurt if we coughed, but the tonsils were just annoying in snot. I do know the top of my head hurt and my gums were the same soreness too, so this was bio lab chit. Just surprised they used a Subway to infect people as we have had other vaxed people say they had colds and were around them in being sick, but it takes ingestion of the virus for seeding. 

My Aunt and Uncle had a severe upper respiratory illness about 2-3 weeks ago, and ended up w early pneumonia (and recovered really well).

A Global Technocracy Is Priming The Population For
'Disease X’ - More Totalitarianism And Depopulation

As my cousin stated, no one appears to be dying from this chit. So this is interesting in the engineering in they created something that does not kill the vax compromised, but is still new to the pure bloods. Probably some Goddamn Neanderthal virus they dug out of some bones in a cave.

Oldest Known Human Viruses Found In 50,000
Year Old Neanderthal Bones

Just warning you what is out there. I did wonder  if I was going to suffocate as this did swell things up the first hours in my throat, but after that it was just as I said annoying, was very tiring for a few days, but it is just like all corona colds in a week to 10 days you are about done with it.

I'm grateful we got this shit, so our healthy immune systems dealt with it now and we have immunity to this new strain and are done with it. Yes we were a bit feverish at different times. Better sweaty than the chills.

We now return you to summer.

Nuff Said
