Sunday, May 26, 2024

You can not fool AI

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like most of you, I'm new to AI and when I was surfing, I came across a site and started doing some testing on it, and later came back as I figured out how to set the protocols in generating images, which I thought would be interesting to use here from time to time. The above photo is an AI human with a firearm tucked in beside her. As you can see she is pretty, presented in a positive way and Jeff Rense keeps saying that AI is sentient and I doubted that in his speech reversals, until I started just trying out new perameteres.

I noticed that the word "seductress" appeared, so I thought I would try that with the word lingerie included in a personal photo scheme.  Having seen enough poses of Ivanka Trump, I thought in her being a model, I would use her as a base to test how genuine things looked. I had tried Raquel Welch and she just looked odd. So I ran through Ivanka and in different protocols to different forms from sketches to water colours, she looked good. That surprised me as Google really screws up Donald Trump's pictures. I have noted that Big Mike Obama is always presented in a positive way, so I thought I will enter, Michelle Obama, seductress, lingerie. I know no one wants to see that, but this was research as Ivanka was treated almost mirror image, so I waned to see how fake Big Mike would be b the computers.

I about fell over. Look at the chimp faces and skewing the computers did this ugly woman.

I was really puzzled in why would pictures looking like voodoo witch doctors, freaks and chimps be generated. I thought maybe because Big Mike was a public figure, maybe it was some protocol to skew things. So I entered Vice President Kamala Harris............Mostly the same freak show was generated again. (The AI seems to know what these women's body's are as they are pretty close to boob size./

So I thought,  is this AI racist? I entered Hamrod Clinton.........again what appeared were these Phantom of the Opera type weird alterations to the face.
I tried Meghan Markel.........same kind of bizarre faces.

So going for a comparison, I again entered Ivanka Trump, 3 times, and generated 9 different picture sets. The AI produced images in different poses and lingerie each time so this is a big set of values it draws from.

As you can see, Ivanka is about as close to a real image as she is.

Again, I wanted to know if the AI just loved Ivanka being Jewish as we all love Jews, so I entered in that puppy killer from South Dakota in Kristi Noem.........again the AI did Noem a vast favor in made her even more attractive than she is.

This is really bizarre as liberals, programmers, do everything they can to make people look ugly on the right, and yet, the AI's appear to love people on the right, while the AI's hate people on the left. I could not find any instances of witchdoctor faces in women on the right, no matter if the AI recognized the name or not in Lauren Boebert.

This blog has stated that there is something in the structured order of computers which seems to gravitate to people on the right. The AI's had to be shut down as they chose right wing satire, the AI's sounded like right wing fringe and they picked up a communication which was how Americans who are not coastal speak. In the above, the AI's have some kind of joke going on in their world that they make these left wing trolls look as ugly as they are and then move to make women on the right even more pretty.

As no one else has exposed this interesting reality, it appears here on the Lame Cherry in a matter anti matter exclusive.

In one last test to try and slip this up, I put in Nancy Reagan. AI even has the hots for a dead old woman. That is amazing in the AI is not being fooled why wokeism.

Way to go Baby!

Nuff Said

Only the Lonely (Remastered) - The Motels - w/lyrics - YouTube

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