Tuesday, May 28, 2024

the hero of January 6

Yes I'm the hero of January 6th, well more the gayro,
fagro, homro.......you know what I am.

Now I just have a bad case of constipation.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As one can ascertain from the headline below, the tourists have caught up to the Lame Cherry in stating the day will arrive when drones, howitzers and whatever in the Pentagon will be deployed against Americans with deadly force.

The popular girl turned poor orphan will meet you on the other side.

'Day Will Come When The US Military Will Use
Warships And Jets To Attack Americans’

Jill Biden - Trump Supporters Are ‘Insurrectionists
...Dangerous Extremists’ And Joe 'Works Hard Every
Single Day’ (Sleeping)

There is a story though generated recently based on January 6th and homo General Mark Milley is the one who delayed deploying troops against Americans on that day. Milley had two concerns in he did not want the US military to install Biden on a river of blood and be blamed for everything and in that Milley did not want to be the one responsible for the Banana Republic theme, which the FBI and DOJ in hunting down Americans relish.

What the Lame Cherry requests you to understand is this. While the top brass is woke to hell, Milley is still the pattern. There is always a MacArthur who will call out the troops to remove Americans from Washington City, as much as Kent State opening fire on kids at college, but that infrastructure is still there. The military is it's own genre even in dictatorships. They protect themselves over politics.

Could some general like Wesley Clark fire gas kids at Waco with the FBI and slaughter people? Yes the commanders of politics could and would, but the Pentagon is still a group who frown on the idea their underlings would relish by about 2/3rds now in opening fire on Americans. The brass likes the illusion of being above it all and having the FBI slaughter people for their lucre.

What will most likely take place is a woke state like New  York or California would find some weekend warrior who would like to command a nuke strike on some city where people were defying the regime. The Pentagon would probably move though to intercede yet. That is what Jan6 was The National Gaurd was not going to move without orders as they knew what a shit storm it was and they wanted cover.. Most brass in locations still look at the chain of command and would say, "Yeah the Governor just told us to bomb that city, but where is that rope the Pentagon is going to hang me with as a scapegoat".

Meet you on the other side.

Mar 3, 2021 ... Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley defended efforts to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol during the ...

You can see the Pentagon ideas in Ukraine. They send the CIA head to Russia to beg Russia to not bomb America, while they get proxy Nazi's to attack Russia as Tel Aviv genocides the people of Gaza. They are ok with holocaust, but do not want to be blamed for it. Same with LaVoy Finnicum in it was police state operatives who gung ho that operation with some kind of Delta in the woods to evaporate and not leave a trail as Oregon State Police got blamed for the murder.

The Dictator would have to deploy Federals against a gimp governor like the one in Texas to maintain the invasion. That is what Lincoln pissed around with in starting the Civil War. Sumter was the line, where the Secretary of War should have just fired and placed under arrest those South Carolina military and replace them with Union people.That is what Lincoln did in Maryland with effect.

So one must understand that there are allot of people under the umbrella of the DOJ and Homeland would like to bomb Americans, the military is not at that point in joining in as Milley expressed on Jan6, as the politicians want things, but unless a scenario arises where the military sees itself threatened, they do not want their fat, homo, lazy raping uniform brigades in the population afflicting the people who will respond with force themselves in having a gun behind every bush.

Tourist read the projections and do not comprehend the operations, but the Qanon types are not interested in examination only flaming rhetoric to gin up support for the Donald John who had all the power and was nothing but a DIA stooge, distributing their patented vax to millions.

Nuff Said
