Saturday, June 22, 2024

After Tomorrow's Dawn

Christian Russian Soldiers - 'We Are Fighting Satanic
Globalists From 35 Countries’ - Video

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that even the flat brain can comprehend that the Lame Cherry Great Eurasian War is on the cusp of humanity and there is nothing which will be done to stop it, it is time to leave the tourists behind and to appreciate what happens after tomorrow's dawn.

I have not inquired of this nor did God speak to me from the Mount. I simply look at the data available and one can ascertain a logical projection. I have better things to inquire on now.

So this all involves one German, Donald Drumpf, well not one German, but we will start with this backwater region where a lawyer appeared by this name, meaning he was hiding and picked the name drum.

With that out of the way, we go back to the Nimrod, the original Assyrian German insurrectionist who was quite successful in founding the first empire. It has been his people of the Ham group who have been in exile following the progenitor Spiritual group of the Lost 10 from the Mideast, into Asia, then into Europe. The original Germani were and offshoot of the Tribe of Joseph, most immigrated to America later, but Rome named them Germans in the group that followed speaking a different German dialect or Assyrian German, and this is who inhabit Germany.

There has been race war in moving to exterminate the Assyrians by the Normans in several world wars and what followed by Russian rape cock and the Merkel death of Germans. The branch of this which survived in the 3rd Reich, moved into thee Americas, founded a massive corporate network and have slowly been gaining control of all finance and politics, while using Jewry as a front and other Normans as pretenders. This is the master race of immortals and should be judged as such. It is a remarkable story as they have pitted their rivals who tried to genocide them against each other in this coming Great Eurasian War. Everyone has been told they are going to win and they all lose, save the Meisterkrieg.

You though are reading this to attempt to know the future which is why you are hear from someone who resides in the future, so meet you on the other side.

The Danger Of Nuclear War Is Real
And Must Be Stopped

Russian Ambassador - Consequences Of Uke
Swiss Summit Only Push Peace Further Away

'The First Day Of The 'Peace Summit' Has Ended - The
Statements Of Many Speakers Raise Questions About
Their Mental Health'

Most Russians Fear Outbreak Of WW3

2025 NDAA Authorizes Mandatory Military Draft Of WOMEN
Across America…As Pentagon Pursues Global NUCLEAR
War With Both Russia And China At The Same Time

New Bill Requires Women To Register For Selective Service

House Passes Bill For Mandatory Military Registration
The U.S. House Of Representatives Has Passed An Amendment To The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) That Will Require Mandatory Military Registrations For Young Americans Aged 18 – 26 As The World Edges Closer To A Global War.

As you can see the Protestant Christians are in line to be removed as war fodder in a genocide of European and American bloodlines, as competitors in the coming Spiritual. Drumpf is going to promise all sorts of things to be installed again, from mass deports, tax changes and whatever to appeal to the GENS who are going to realize they are cannon fodder including their wombs. That should make a nice dictatorship for el presidente Rubio.

Forget about that, as while I do not intend to get bogged down in the details, it does appear now the Obama, Bush, Biden European War is going to be a long range sniping of big weapons in conventional. Obama was talking about this in reverse speech before he left the building

The point is, things are going to be challenging as this is Jacob's Trouble as the Bible Prophesied, but you must get this point very very very clear, I do not believe that the Meisterkrieg are going to allow this to go to full nuclear war, as even as immortals that will but a bad glow on their gardens.

I believe there is going to be allot of economic damage. Dictator Biden for the woke ruined US oil for green cars and when missile strikes take place there is going to be a huge hit in fields, pipeline and refineries everywhere. That will curtail a great deal of commerce. As I said, I'm not going to get bogged down in this, but this is going to be pushed to the line.

You need to remember Daniel, Joel, Revelation in what is going to be set up is the last order of the Empire. This will be the Meisterkrieg and for peace it will establish this, so this is not going to the edge at this time. You are going to think it will, but I do not believe it will. That is coming, but there will be an interlude. I believe America will be so hamstrung and humiliated that America becomes a marginalized player for the time of the end. That should occupy the police state not targeting you as I have told you. Remember I was telling you all of this stuff which is now happening over a decade ago. We are in the transition phase to the real powers and things will destabilize in America in this phase.

That should be enough to think about in an order in Europe should appear in this chaos with the solutions. That is what it looks like is coming to the surface.

I'm not really concerned about any of this stuff as this is the small things which are being moved intricately and not the big hammers.

Of course God is our Source, but our best leverage for the common people is the Meisterkrieg in their directing their position as it will provide a cover of safety which the woke NATO maniacs are seeking to destroy entire ethnics as fodder.

So more of this will be written here, and this will evolve, but that is where we are moving into as the data directs.

Your prophets are blind and are bringing you death as God is not letting them see the obvious.

Nuff Said
