Saturday, June 22, 2024

The F 16 Augmentation of Deception


Colonel Manshee of Squadron L 7

The next potential taboo could be allowing Ukrainian aircraft to take off from Romania, Poland, or the Baltic countries. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the escalation of American F 16 nuclear capable fighter jets, armed with nuclear capable British Storm Shadow Missiles, if you were paying attention, the Russian military put their S 500 system into Crimea to protect this region of Russian lands. There has been information published that these F 16's are going to be flown out of Ukraine for attacks against Moscow. That is bullpussy lying and this popular girl is going to explain what these NATO flights will comprise in these attacks upon Mother Russia.

Below you will find a series of illustration which still will probably not clear this up in your minds, but I will attempt to explain what will be engaged in, as it is devious.

The first as this blog exclusively reported will be the "Border Firing Decks". The F 16's will operate along the Polish Ukraine, Romanian Ukraine, Romanian Black Sea and Moldovan Ukraine border to fire at Russian positions, to dare Russia to blow F 16's out of the sky over Polish and Romanian territory.

What this will entail is reversal of Russian operations, in expendable missiles will be fired, to mask and deplete the S 500 systems so the Storm Shadows will appear from various points of the horizon.

Border Firing Decks

The second ruse in this, will be the most notorious as the F 16 transponders will be replaced with commercial flight squawk boxes. These F 16's will take off from Poland and Romania, touch down in Lithuania, Bulgaria and Moldova, and reappear with civilian transponders, on their way to Kiev and other points, before making their run on Russian targets. I would not put it past this group in actually flying commercial jets with people on board, with the fighters coming in under them, to entice the Russians to shoot which would bring down the civilian airliner and bring a public relations disaster.
This is an old trick for propaganda in making military and intelligence runs.

Commercial Flights

Lastly which will be the main hub of this ruse will be the "Touchdowns". These F 16's have the  most advanced Tel Aviv and American radar absorbing electronics. The jets are never going to be allowed to be stationed in Ukraine or Russia would eliminate them all in days. What will take place is there fighters will emerge from bases in Poland and Romania, with the same aircraft mingled in, fly into Ukraine on their mystery bases, hitting the deck, doing a hot engine refuel, taking off low level and emerging for their bombing run. They would refuel going back out, and yes there will be mobile fuel trucks set up on highways and in locations which if the Russian struck would be another public relations nightmare, but each location would move on a changing array to escape detection, before the jets flew back into Romania and Poland.


I would not for a moment doubt that the US bases in Slovkia or Lithuania, or US carriers, or into Bulgaria and Hungary would have landings of these mysterious NATO flights listed as F 16's, to helicopters to transports, only to have them realized as this ghost fleet of F 16's. I would not for a moment doubt there are already slight of hand in these F 16's landing at civilian airports in the Baltics, Poland, Moldava and Romania, as there would not be enough primates flying in those 3rd world shit holes to notice jets coming into the airport, being put into a hangar, refueled, rearmed and sent off again in this shell game.

None of this is going to be above board. It will be a ruse to make the Russians take time in figuring out what is taking place, make the Russians shoot down civilian flights, all for the purpose of damaging Russian assets and piling up Russian dead, before the next augmentation of deception appears.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the record, Americans do not ever conduct wars in this heinous and murderous way.

Nuff Said
