Sunday, June 16, 2024

Alex Jones Can You Spare A Dime


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was thinking about my personal assets now that Alex Jones has been ordered to sell his toothbrush, underwear, Lawrence Welk tapes and if he lived in Saudi Arabia, his wife and children to pay off a 1.5 billion dollar court seizure of his .........well personal items like his autographed picture from Big Mike Obama.

I just wonder where Alex Jones has a big enough mansion to store 1.5 billion in assets.

Do you know how big of pile of money is 1.5 billion dollars?

Grasping Large Numbers - The Endowment for Human Development

The height of a stack of 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion) one dollar bills measures 6,786.6 miles. A column of bills this high would extend 28 times higher ...

That is quite a pile. I'm surprised that airplanes have not crashed into Alex Jones personal assets or knocked Elon Musk's satellites out of the sky. I would think that personal assets would be more bulky as underwear out of the drawer is ruffled up and I would think that would be a real threat to jet engines, sucking in Alex Jones boxers. I mean high flying geese knock out jet engines.

 A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones′ personal assets but dismissed his company’s separate bankruptcy case, leaving the immediate future of his Infowars media platform uncertain as he owes $1.5 billion

I just do not know how one man could own 1.5 billion dollar worth of underwear. I mean Alex Jones must have gold leaf plated silk with more diamonds and gems sown in that they weigh like 150 pounds a pair. He must look like Elvis in his suit if it shrunk around his balls.

I don't think you can sell everyone's underwear to pay off a debt, little alone 1.5 billion dollars worth. In that point, I don't think a settlement like this is worth 1.5 billion as no one has that much underwear. I mean we all know Sandy Hook was a bizarre thing.  Not as bizarre as Birther Obama, but I would hate to see what billion dollars worth of Big Mike Obama's jockstraps would pile high to.

Anyway, this whole settlement of billion dollar underwear being sold off, I mean who is going to buy a billion dollars of used underwear, even if they are gold leaf and diamond encrusted, is just as bizarre as Sandy Hook, like the CIA guy who confessed the CIA was behind getting Jones, and like how much are these Sandy  Hooker families really going to get as inflation is making the dollar worthless as dog shit.

I'm sure the Judge understands all of this as no one else does, because I heard that Pop Jones has all of Alex's good stuff, so except for some old underwear like Rush Limbaugh's wife was selling off when he croaked, there ain't no 1.5 billion dollars of stuff to be sold off..........and who the hell makes a judgement of 1.5 billion, in that is allot of money for dead people, as Planned Parenthood does it for like 270 bucks and they get to keep the body parts and sell them off for skin grafts on homosexuals with small penises, like Big Mike Obama. Alex Jones never got to keep no body parts off the dead, unlike that Kiev Zellinskyy who is running a real chop shop on Christians in Ukraine, holes in the kidney parts, liver holes, eye holes and that is allot of parts that are being sold to American elite who are probably funding these suits against Alex Jones, who is now going to have to go to his radio show without his underwear as they are being sold to pay for dead kids.

No wonder Alex Jones never donates here, not even a basket of survival food, as he knew he was not going to be able to afford underwear. He would do allot better in Kiev or Tel Aviv as they all have underwear there.

That all matters as I heard Canadian Jews funded Alex Jones. Is not this settlement anti semitic or something.

Nuff Said

