Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Barrett Jackson Rule


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All Americans have suffered under the weaponization of Agencies against Americans where Obama sends out the IRS to make criminals of the Tea Party and where Dictator Biden is now going after gas appliance as he sells natural gas to Europeans for profit.

In that there are two cases before the Black Robes involving these agency dictates. They involve the government forcing fishermen to pay for monitors for fish. That is taxation without representation and that is seizure of assets without reimbursement.

As the high drama of the court wiggles about in what the Black Robes will do in overturning the main Chevron case of 1984 which started this disaster or keeping parts of it,  the Lame Cherry believes that there is going to merge from the two notable females Justices on the court a melding of a new rule of law in Barrett and Jackson.

Meet you on the other side.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson raised concerns about the judiciary’s role if Chevron were overturned, cautioning against courts becoming “uber legislators.” She pointed out the burden on agencies to seek judicial approval for new rules, a sentiment echoed by Prelogar, who warned of the “unwarranted shock to the legal system” that overturning Chevron could cause.

The high court’s decision, expected by the end of June, could go several ways. It might limit Chevron’s application without fully overturning it, or it could replace Chevron with a new standard altogether. Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s position remains pivotal, as her questions during arguments indicated a nuanced view between the majority and the minority, making her a possible wild card in the final decision.

I beleive what Barrett and Jackson are concerned about is courts becoming fiefdoms and regulations being destroyed. What the compromise which both liberal and conservatives will find in a most likely 7 to 2 ruling is something along the lines of.........

Congress will be responsible for passing all regulations which the agencies will enforce. This will return the process to the People and not held by the Dictatorship at 1600 Penn Avenue. In this, the experts at the agencies will as they have done at BATFE, post not on websites of notices, but "advise and consent" expertise for Congress to write the bills which will then become law.

This is the check and balance.  The People who are affected will have Congress once again looking after their personal interests, Stealing water in Oregon and Idaho is all fine for the officials who then get jobs in companies that sell that stolen water, but the People need that water to make a living, so the water can be reasonably regulated for wise use for all, but not confiscated as Malheur was conducting in minerals in the Bundy incident.

So Barrett Jackson should not do away with Chevron so to speak, but add another level, set parameters and as Justice Kavanaugh focused on, place the foundation of all of this in the Constitution in Congress passing bills into law.

Yes we need agencies to regulate companies for dumping chemicals into our water and in paying  taxes, but we do not need Biden mandates of armed IRS agents auditing poor people or the EPA saying you can not have a gas stove in your home. Even liberals can comprehend that no one can order you to not have an appliance at affordable prices and use for your well being barred from you.

This Lame Cherry told you that Justice Jackson was far more a force in legal terms than the smears stated in just being a liberal. She has been sound in her examination of the law. She is 1000 times the Justice of the original Black who was on the Court. She is equal to Clarence Thomas and surpasses Bunghole Roberts by a lightyear.

Barrett and Jackson stand to form the center of the court with real law, which that horrid Anthony Kennedy dabbled in for influence and cock stature.

Nuff Said
