Saturday, June 29, 2024

all that glitters


alles was glitzert

As as another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A researcher named Joseph Farrell of South Dakota, in published information, exposed a number of secrets of the Nazi International, and you will not hear a word about him or his many revelations. This time we are going to immerse ourselves in something which is a reality hidden away like numbers of mystery physics and alchemy which the Gothe Assyrians of Germany solved a number of riddles of yore, Egyptians Alchemical, Babylonians Astronomical, Hebrews received the Sacred Geometry.

The Germans as the Assyrians combined the knowledge.

There is a reality that when the war with Germany ended, he known gold in Germany was more than what was mined, what was stolen from other nations and what was pulled out of Ashkejew teeth and pockets.

Listen now to a story. The greatest German right military and political man was General Eric Luddendorf.  He helped Germany install President von Hindenberg after the removal of the Kaiser. This man was a rival of Adolf Hitler after he broke with him. This German leader had a number of insights he spoke openly about which he was smeared with as conspiracy theories.

Luddendorf paid a Franz Towsend before the rise of Adolf Hitler 100,000 dollars to do something which you are going to have to listen to the science, because you have been conditioned to think this is all a farce.

The Germans had invented a laser which in a gaseous refinement, could excite common mercury, so that from this process a small amount of gold would be produced.

There was a big fraud trial over this which seems to be a cover, because after Adolf Hitler was elected to lead Germany, this all went silent, and the last time this is mentioned is by the finance officer of the SS, who stated that Adolf Hitler had set up across Germany numbers of small labs dedicated to the separating of gold out from mercury.

The sources was General Oswald Pohl, who was done away with at Nuremberg, ending the reality which apparently people in power knew was possible and the Germans had carried this out as a foundation to international finance.

The transmutation of mercury into gold.

Oswald Pohl - Wikipedia

Oswald Ludwig Pohl was a German SS functionary during the Nazi era. As the head of the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office and the head administrator ...

Germany had more gold, than there was gold

Pre world war II German patents by their industry to squeeze gold out of mercury using lasers, as they were using them to refine uranium.

The evidence is all there. The meisterkrieg with the financial, industrial and regimes they later fornicated with in exile after the war, covered up the reality of this gold production. To put this simply, what would it do to the value of gold, if it became knowledge that the Gothe Germans were able to transmute gold from other metals, gold would not be as uncommon as it is. The logic is that this can be progressed that with the correct atomic sponges, the element weight of anything could be increased or decreased, to produce the legend of alchemy of lead into gold. The moulding of the material prima.

These children of Nimrod are as advanced of you at the present as you with the toys they have developed to sell and monitor you, than a Neanderthal.

Nuff Said
