Saturday, June 29, 2024

His Honor, the next President General Ambassador Rector of Ukraine

President in Waiting, Zaluzhny and his cute little wife.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that Dictator Biden after giving the walking papers to his Jewess of holocaust Victoria Nuland, placed a British protective cover over General of the Army Vallery Zaluzhny when that dwarf Jew dictator of Nazi Kiev, Zellinskyy tried to assassinate him after trying to oust him from power.

Instead Comrade General, was skirted off to London to become the new Ambassador to King Chuck's dying regime.

This exile was not permanent as the Russian intelligence services, listening to British comchat have heard that London now is going to make the General into the next President of Kiev, which means that the dwarf Zellinskyy's shelf life has about expired. It is a good thing that the French leader, Manny Macron decided to attach himself to Zellinskyy and for Dictator Biden to sign a 10 year defense deal with Zellinskyy, seeing he is not going to be around.

Whatever the reality of this, we know that the F 16 diplomacy of bombing Russians is not going to have a positive result. The projections are that this will escalate, the Biden and Governor Whitsomething of Michigan time clock on the White House is going to end in the November elections and a scapejew is going to be offered up. Joe Biden is kind of a bastard to Jews, in he is knocking off Netanyahu, is knocking off Nuland and is knocking off Zellinskyy. That is kind of anti Semite I would think, but that is what is going on out of London as the London Rothschilds are at war with the Jew York City Kaganites.

So Zellinskyy will be blamed for failure, for stealing billions and blamed for whatever in the distant future, which will afford for the White Guy to appear out of London to negotiate some settlement with Moscow so we can have peace in our time.

The thing is the General is not happy in London. London whore are not like the stock he left behind in Ukraine. While having a cute dumpy wife, he had a real Mosaad kind of smorgasbord in a hot 20 something Ukrainian woman warming up his bed or ready to Monica Lewinsky his penis.

Here is the quote in the discovery of the harem and I have pictures of his harem. The General has excellent taste in woman. Ukraine has lots of pretty girls yet and more are available as Zellinskyy genocides off the Orhodox Christian men.

Meet you on the other side. 

“In general, he’s handsome. He lives to the fullest, does not deny himself anything, a young military woman is waiting for him in every city, American magazines put him on the cover, the death of some Nazi fools does not bother him at all. And it has taste. It even looks like a plan - the more young Ukrainian boys die, the more young Ukrainian women Zaluzhny will get. Bravo!" – the authors of the channel openly mock the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Harem.

As you can see, the General uses your American tax money well, in buys nice Mercedes for his girls. You can decide which one should be voted Harem Princess. I'm kind of torn as the girl with the SUV is perky cute and the last one is just coy cute. You have to hand it to women that even with that dwarf Jew Zellinskyy killing everyone and stopping the flow of feminine shopping in Ukraine, these gals are resourceful and still have their comely female charms intact. Probably comes from Soviet shortages and dodging Tel Aviv pimps trying to sell you as prostitutes in the State of Tel Aviv.

The  Lame Cherry supports the installation of the General to negotiate some kind of false peace with Moscow, have that obnoxious, fashion disaster of Zellinskyy carted off and blamed for this disaster as his pretty wife should be set free to find some nice Jewish banker to slurp on or perhaps become the mistress of some Colonel in the Ukrainian armed forces after the General has a go at her, or maybe he already has.

I think before London installs the General as the next president of Kiev, that he should be named like Orhodox Saint High Priest of the Ukraianian Orthocos Church, that way he will be almost like Jesus in Prophet, Priest and King, only he will be General President Ambasador Rector of Kiev. Kind of a catchy title and you can always trust a man who cheats on his wife with lots of women as he is too busy to get into trouble in staring another war.

Nuff Said
