Sunday, June 30, 2024

And World War IV Struggles On

I'm waiting brothers to see which Jewish faction wins. The New York Jews backing China,
the Oligarch Jews of Moscow or the Elder Jews of Europe. When one wins, then Turkey 
will declare war and in the spoils get the Ottoman Empire back.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world has moved into the "Steal Other Nations Fortunes" now in the money laundering operation in Ukraine. Contracts have been signed for long term war production between Kiev and other carpetbaggers like the Netherlands in arms production for profit in the killing of Russians.

There is now official IAEA assessment that Iran will in one month have a production ratio completed of turning out 5 nuclear bombs per month.

Iran already had accumilated enough nuclear material for a number of heavy bombs, but Iran has now been pushed by Tel Aviv to venture into the arena of what has been circulating in the Pentagon working papers of a Decade of Nuclear Warfare.

This is the woke working plan on population extinction as it has been deemed that humans are too resilient and it will require more than bombing them into the stone ages, but actually making the world a radioative stone age in order to produce a tumor population of mutant not capable of resisting the bunker state.

The Jews are engaged in more "Iran wait until we get America to nuke you" as we slaughter Hezbollah shows of force in firing off nuclear missiles over the island of Crete and crashing off Malta. It is a reality that Iran is not going to wait around to be a holocaust hell like Gaza.

Poland has engaged in an extremely woke subterfuge to lure children to their mass deaths. Warsaw is paying children around 1500 dollars to "take a vacation with the army". What do you get with this paid vacation? The money for your body and soul of course, but 28 days of basic training.
So a bunch of fat Pollack children are going to get the shit run out of them, abused, learn that guns make noise and be sent home.......with their names forever logged with their DNA into the NATO data base that the are soldiers who can be called up without refusal on order of death.
For the record it takes about 8 weeks of basic training to turn out a green recruit. It requires another month to teach them a speciality for organized warfare. It still requires some light exposure to war for a few weeks to gain their understanding of war, so they do not end up in bodybags the first days. As it is, Poland is creating 200,000 children who will not last three days in the war which is being generated.

I'm waiting to see if woke America, follows with a vacation plan for idiot American children who are not bright enough to hide under mummy's porch when the Draft Cops come.

Not to be outdone, nor relying on the 5 military slaughter highways for Americans being loaded onto trains to the Russian front in the Schengen Routes, NATO is building a new Maginot Line along the Russian and Belarus border for around 3 billion dollars. As the French Maginot Line was such a success for Adolf Hitler in wiping out France with mobile warfare and the last NATO Maginot Line in Ukraine against Russia was crushed by the Russians, this is one more "monument to stupidity" as General Patton stated. This though is not about keeping Russia out. This is about the contractors and their politicians banking that 3 billion into their bunkerstate accounts.

And last but not least, Turkey, in true forward thinking has announced that it is ready for World War IV, but as the Greeks mockingly noted, the Ottoman Elite has not stated which side this NATO Turkey is going to fight on, in they will wait until the side which is winning will gain this neutral state's military support. So Ankara will either be on the Turkish, Russian, Chinese winning front or the Turkish NATO side in winning the war.

Turkey should be commended on being this savvy, as if the Jews get America to nuke Iran, the nuke dust will probably kill the Saudi group, so the Sunni and Shia Caliph will be gone. The Jews are waging a war against their own vax dying Jews in Tel Aviv, so the state of Tel Aviv gets nuked by a few Iranian nuke, the survivors can all be stampeded to Greater Kiev. With over a million Slavic  Christians dead in the war there, there will be room for millions of least those who want free land to build vacation homes, when they are not living off of there Gaza oil revenues in Jew York City.

So in reality these Tel Aviv Ashkejews are allot like the Edomite Turks in having a post nuke plan. For the Turks, they are not going to fight, until the war is over, and then choose the winning side, and they they get to rule in Ottoman Empire Deuce. Frankly, I would like the Reagan part of America to get a deal like that, as the Brier Patch could wait until someone one, and then join them, and I'm sure I could learn to speak enough Russian or German to make the new world happier than the old world of District of Crooks who hated everyone who spoke English.

Turkey has joined Serbia and Hungary stating they are not going to fight the war, but are prepared or the war.

As the sun slowly sets in the West, the United States had a nuclear sub appear with a surface ship and a doomsday jet flying over it, to threaten Russia that it is threatened officially, and unlike Russia which gave the Pentagon the call signature of the submarine they sent to Cuba, so there would not be a drama a Russia has piles of submarines off both American coasts this old American sub apparently has a surface ship and is only communicated with by a doomsday plane. Apparently the Pentagon has not connected that if you have a surface ship on top of your secret submarine and a jet communicating with it, that an enemy can find that secret sub.............and if Russia downed the doomsday plane, the sub could never get the order to fire it's missiles. I suppose it could surface though and have homosexual bathing parties in Norwegian waters.

Added to this is the Pentagon assessment that Europe is doomed in their faggot pedo army, so it is testing a Manta drone that can cruise at over 100 miles per hour with some kind of weapons as it lays on the ocean floor. Considering that Russian and Chinese missiles fly at tens of thousands of miles an hour, the Pentagon should have it's Manta in place for war, about the time the District of Crooks signs the surrender papers. 10000 miles is 100 hours to get to where you should be and an object making that kind of wake is going to be tracked.

There was not any explanation from the Pentagon how this ocean drone was going to be used against 100 million Chinese troops on land or shoot down Russian missiles in space. The Lame Cherry is certain this will all be worked out by the Russians and Chinese when they find one of these drones and start making their own version after the war.

Medvedev says America will burn following missile incident

Nuff Said

