Monday, July 1, 2024

Coup Instigation Agency

"Give me your mired, your whores, Your invading masses yearning for cash cards, The wretched refuse of Biden voters. Let them suckle my nipples for comfort, for my breasts are large and in need of nomination
for the CIA is concerned about bloody radioactive stools.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ever since the CIA got the radiation bloody bowel news over Ukraine in what the Kaganites had Dictator Biden pushing, they have been the central power moving in this coup against Joe Biden. When you see CIA props in the Mockingbird, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Chris Matthews and the gaggle who set this up that "if Biden stumbles" he will get out, the mark of Cain has been on Biden's head. All of this script was handed down weeks ago, including the big money insiders trying to stampede the money away from Biden as the Cassius pins fall.

Meanwhile, the trashing of Biden in leftist circles continues apace with both Bill Maher and Jon Stewart serving their audiences up with scathing reviews of his dour performance.

This is textbook CIA, and for whatever outcome they are protecting, they are not in favor of this Bush Obama Biden war footing which has enveloped the world.

All of these planted stories remind me of that MI6 shit out of London that Rupert Murdoch's cock spew  of Hannity and Levin were parroting in true Qanon bullshit that had Putin dying every week of menopause or PMS.

Dictator Biden is not getting out of this race. He has about 6 marginal hours every day where he understands the staff are mocking him and is asleep the rest of the time. Everyone wants him gone, except the people that matter in Jill the Slut, the Jewish cabinet running this woke disaster and Kamala Harris, because the 25th Amendment is not happening, she knows she is not going to get the nomination, so all she has left if Harry Truman having sex with the clothes on waiting for FDR to keel over.

Stranger things can happen, but you just can not get rid of a person in the White House as Howard Baker tried with Reagan.

Senator, the CIA is not interested in promoting anus bleeding, by sodomy
or radiation poisoning, we are the Coup Instigation Agency, not
the Cock In Ass agency.

Obama Inc. does not want to go anywhere near this, because they know that the plug has been pulled on America and whoever is in office is going to be hated, and we all know that Big Mike Obama is in this shit show which caused this Biden disaster. This is Obama Inc in the 4th term as Trump kept everything Obama viable.

So as Veterans Today pointed out over a month ago, the DIA wants Trump in, and Governor Whitmer to be nominated and accept defeat. Thee only thing that could dislodge Joe Biden from running is Muslims checking the Tel Aviv holocaust machine and chasing America out of the Gulf with a September economic meltdown.

That is the way it stands.

I like the idea of Governor Whitmer with her large breasts, pimped up, losing, picking queer Pete Buttplug to anal the blame of a loss, but that only happens in projections when Hezbollah, Iran and Russia run the tables on Tel Aviv in what is coming

I would think that after Qanon made fools out of most of you, that you would not be feeding on this CIA Mockingbird, each day promising a new death watch on the Biden occupation of 1600 Penn Avenue.

The CIA needs to woke when it comes to anal bleeding to consider
the huddled queer in prose and poem politic.
