Friday, June 21, 2024

beyond reference point.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What you are about to read is going to read to you like certain madness, because of your uncertainess of comprehension on this Sabbath lesson.

I believe that everything happens by order and not chance, I also believe that in random chance everything is ordered so nothing is chance and it all encompasses free will which is a definitive path of choices of which in many choices their will be only one choice and one outcome.

Forgive me, but I'm generating.

I have been contemplating things higher than your thoughts. Things as pulsars, lined in the universe from an earth perspective in showing the way to earth. The anals which point to doubtful time lines in past civilizations, and the time lines which indicate those civilizations created harmonic beacons which we know and pyramids built on resonant frequencies which charge when loaded to form a knowledge of what was.The moon has them. Mars has them. Saturn's moons have them, as the god displaced by another god in the sky of Zeus or Jupiter. All knowledge just waiting  to be opened by those who placed that there, so you would have the greatest o decisions to make in believing in God or to believe the Great Deception.

I  believe in this order that nothing occurs without design. Not even a game I'm playing which pulls up an exact game for me to work out the sequence which will generate a composite of all which you have just read above.

I have been studying a past and present version of Free Cell. In the past it was not wise to place cards into the Aces slot of completing a sequence, because if you cheat that way, it will burn you in needing those cards to move the other cards around on the will hem you in.

If you look at the above, I did something which I have been contemplating for the past weeks of seeing I was putting cards in one Ace and not being burned. This time I actually worked it by design to complete the Ace to King sequence which is not known to be possible.

In driving forward this one line of play, it was not an accident, but by design that the 3 other kings became positioned into the reserves slots in this linear projection.

I would have you note how "fate" lined up these cards that the symbolism of each is how this formed like the gems in the ephod. The King of Diamonds is the linear thrust. It is by design of "fate" that the Clubs, 6 of hearts in what a 6 means numerically, the King of Hearts then the Spades, with the Diamond already complete all have meaning beyond the game.

Meet you on the other side.

In "order"for this linear Diamond domination to occur, something else took place in it was required that Hearts became the secondary projection, because without it, I would have been stopped.

The Spades became the third part in the intricate working of this and the King held in reserve, as the game or order was moved to an impossible linear outcome of success.

There are going to be revealed in the future a linear or single outcome which seems impossible, but will be proven to be the only answer for the star children. The Great Deception will move on this unquestionable order, that even the Protestant Christian could be deceived, if that were possible.

The intricacies of these patterns, all mean something in this assembly of the order, and the alignment is even beyond me, that even this sounds like madness, and is why when you hear people who being this mind opening, that they start rambling on and chattering in a manner which is not normal, but it makes perfect sense, but it is beyond the perception of the veil of most minds, and the mind begins backing away as there is no longer a reference point in this as it is beyond reference point.

Do you base your life on a card game? Not in the least. That is not the point. The point is the intricate nature of the physics of the dimensions in this in how it aligns, serves the focal point of that alignment as the billions of cross points create an unfolding future which is in motion as all of this is and all of us are.

It has been sometime since I entered the place without reference and it is good to return as this collective matter is slow and with form and has none of thee illumination of thought, not to be confused with thee illumination of darkness.

The lesson of time space law in motion, because the Light Complete does not have beginning, end, and only is, without matter, as only this ends in that reflection of the perpetual motion.

Nuff Said

Harry Chapin - Cats in the Cradle - YouTube

Nov 27, 2008 ... Song starts 1:05 Lyrics My child arrived just the other day He came to the world in the usual way But there were planes to catch, ...
