Friday, June 21, 2024

Sorry My Psychiatrist Ate My Treatment

My work set me free......with the help of a bullet.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What can you say when a Jewish psychiatrist who has cured the most insane of Jewish minds, puts a gun to his head and blows his brains out, because another Jew in Bibi Netanyahu in being treated sucked the life out of the doctor and drove him insane instead?

Monday, March 8

“Bibi came by at three for his afternoon session. At four he refused to leave and claimed my house was actually his. Then he locked me in the basement overnight while he lavishly entertained his friends upstairs. When I tried to escape, he called me a terrorist and put me in shackles. I begged for mercy, but he said he could hardly grant it to someone who didn’t even exist.”

My doctor and I laughed and laughed when I accidentally flushed
his gold fish down the toilet.........and all his coy fish too.

Now granted there is American sex deviant Jewry who hate Benjamin Netanyahu who views them only as cash cows, and then there are the various Jewish oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine who do not like being second Fiddler on the Roof like Zellinskyy of Kiev to Netanyahu, and then there are the elders who want to rule Tel Aviv, and then the Mosaad wants to rule Tel Aviv, then there are the special Ashkenaz liberal Jews who want to rule Tel Aviv, and they all hate Bibi and his messianic visionary idea and plot against him, along with the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens to leak this psychiatrists diaries to  the press, but one has to admit when the day is done that having holocausted 3 million Philistines, are genociding all your neighbors and have your sights in having Iran nuked by America to make Greater Tel Aviv a reality, that being crazy enough with delusions to drive your white coat nuts so they shoot themselves is a rare achievement.

Not even Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin, Barack Hussein Obama ever drove their doctors nuts so they killed themselves.

Jews are special, but Bibi Netanyahu is extraordinarily special.

“I’m completely shocked,” said neighbor Yossi Bechor, whose family regularly vacationed with Yatom’s family. “Moshe was the epitome of the fully-integrated personality and had cured dozens of schizophrenics before beginning work on Bibi. There was no outward indication that his case was any different from the others.”


How special was Bibi Netanyahu? Well we can look to Jewish comedian Jerry Seinfeld in his Superman Bizarro world for the answer in up was down, good was bad, right was left and ugly was pretty (Big Mike Obama as an example)

“The alibi is always the same with him,” complained another diary entry. “The Jews are on the verge of annihilation at the hands of the racist goyim and the only way to save the day is to carry out one final massacre.”

“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom.

“Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”

I told him we had to play a game, called I'm a Nazi and you are
a holocaust Jew I put in chains, gas you in your LG oven for writing a book about me.
He said he would burn the diary.........if I took the cuffs off.

I don't really know why the above would make a Jewish psychiatrist go nuts, as one can look to Kirk Douglas brutally raping little Natalie Wood as a girl, then there was Jeffry Epstein who made sex rape and blackmail a commerce, then the Elders who sold ghetto Jews to the Nazi for forced labor, to this Victoria Nuland who makes Christophobe Rob Reiner in his insane rhetoric sound and look normal after she set in motion the genocide of Russians and Ukrainians. This all seems like Sunday dinner stuff, in what is talked about over kosher pork among friends and relatives as you don't see any Ashkenaz chorus of "never again" as they have it going on in some luxury apartment they own where the wife and kids can not hear the cock slurping going on over the chicken matsa balls.

I kind of discerned that being a religion like this was a dichotomy, when they damned two of their own as a whore and a bastard, that would be the Virgin Mary and Jesus, because they didn't like God's plans of redemption according to the Talmud.

So I don't know what made Moshe Yatom crack up, as there seemed to be bigger fish to fry like the forced vaxing of Jews with that killer vax which is going to finish off more Jews than Hitler ever got credit for.

So it must be in part Bibi's enemies who are presenting all of this as I don't think Jared Kushner's psychiatrist has notes like this on him and is going to publish a book. I mean yes Ivanka steps out on him for girlfriend Kardashian parties, but she is not like running away from Jared. Although she does keep that Christian Christmas tree around in keeping her hand in Protestantism, just in case she has to dump her Jew and save the kids, but there is plenty of time to live the good life and be in the Jewish ruling class, before you do a last minute change over when the grim reaper appears and then you confess it was all a mistake and your psychiatrist really was nuts and you never did all those things.

We can only hope that the International Court of Justice in their work does not find the same freedom after finding Bibi Netanyahu an international criminal in crimes against humanity as one dead Jewish psychiatrist can be explained away, but an entire court suffering from the fate of Gaza in lead poisoning is a bit hard to explain away, unless it is the Jan6 courts in America.

It was Bad Bibi who did it all.

Nuff Said
