Monday, June 3, 2024

No More Tulips

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We now know for certain the baby steps to nuclear vaporization which Russia will undertake when attacked by NATO proxy, the state of Kiev.

The warning is clear from President Putin that Russia will hit high population centers, and that is not that difficult as most nations in Europe are under Texas size and military bases are on top of population centers.

Meet you on the other side.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday issued one of his more dire warnings yet, putting Europe on notice by commenting on their possessing small land areas and dense populations. The veiled threat is very ominous especially in light of the fact that Russia just wrapped up tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine...

Putin told reporters gathered in Tashkent during an official visit to the central Asian country of Uzbekistan, which is a former Soviet Republic, "Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences."

He also hinted at the prospect of nuclear war in posing: "If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons?

In the above, Russia assesses correctly that DC will not die for Europeans. Europeans are expendable to the Kaganite Ashkenaz as Ghetto Jews were to the Nazi.

Once this is known, the Lame Cherry therefore projects what is the Russian order of battle.

Former President Medvedev has issued a warning that Poland will receive radioactive ash. This means Poland proper may not be attacked but other nations will. Those nations are the focus of this white paper and which nations they are.

NATO is located in Belgium, akin to the lowland states, so named because they are all coastal and lower than ocean level.Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark are the trio. You have heard of the little boy who put his finger into the dike? Russia blasts these sea walls and most of this area goes under water in trillions of dollars in damage.

NATO HQ hit, that eliminates most of Belgium. These areas of high commerce, many of whom own a great deal of America, enslaving Americans, will disappear.

France. France is a Chernobyl in the making. Russia does not have to nuke France. France only has to be hit in their nuclear power plants and decades of radioactive spew cover western Europe. See this is the Western Europeans cocking off about nuclear war in thinking they will be safe as Americans and Slavs die. Mr. Putin has stated, "No western Europe is the problem, they will die, America and the Slavs will not as long as this does not escalate".

Finally we come to the last big juicy target, the future lands of the Kingdom of Scotland or the Kingdom of Ireland, as England is the prime target, the source of his Kiev intrigue in the overthrow of American government in fake Russiagate files with CIA John Brennan. With cobalt tidal wave and enough sun bombs, the Norman English become extinct.

So Russian order of battle is, that there are not going to be any more tulips as that is what grows in the lowlands. Won't be many Dutch or Belgiums around either. There will be French wine and cheese, if you like radiation in your picnic lunch. There will be allot more French around as they will be growing human sized tumors. England will become the dream of King James or Mary Queen of Scots in a rather radioactive land finished off where William the Conqueror did not genocide all the English when he invaded from Normandy. I can't say I'm going to miss the Normans, but then King Chuck and Queen Kate are already radioactive in cancer poison treatment, so maybe the English will take to nuclear fallout like they do kippers and other bad food they eat.

I guess if you weigh this out, is it such a loss if you don't have tulips, the English and French cheese. Can we survive the world without that, I think we can.  Canada and Australia will probably get most of the refugee Europeans, the rich socialists in this Obama refugee thing, but this time white people.

As for the United States bilked by this finance cartel, it will implode without European infusions and the massive debt. So Russia eliminating tulips from the world, removes the flower of Wall Street rapine to no longer bloom toxic debt.

Russia is pragmatic. Leave the American worthless missile silos alone, and that Christian population, and kill off bunkerstate by killing off their peter cum diet out of Europe which rules DC.

Very good chess game.

Nuff Said
