Monday, June 3, 2024

Shit For Brains Survival Nonsense


I know who you are Mitchell Sherman, no wait he was the lawyer
on the Young and the Restless, you're Mitchell Henderson....
no he is White.....You're Sherman Hemsley and I'm driving to 
Idaho in Doomsday to grow melons in the snow in the Rockies.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this after a HAARP blizzard, I'm about to save you stupid people's lives. I had just read this morning the following prepper sense which is nonsense and posted below for secure locations in Doomsday. When I exposed the last expert telling Americans what to do was a melon head from the UK, you people have got to get your heads out of your asses as this Mitchell Henderson bullshit about diving across country in off road to get places is HORSE SHIT ADVICE. Your vehicles will not stand up to that abuse.

For some reason these prepper experts think weather is just a climate control fluke they will not have to deal with. I can tell you that even in a nuclear war, 90% of the dead are going to be from the weather and from drinking shit water. You are not going to be shot by people with guns or bombed. You are going to die from freezing or baked to death, as you shit yourself to dehydration drinking contaminated water.

I'm going to tell people where they should go to survive if they live in their metro areas of afflunece and it is not the Dakotas, Montana or these other places where the people will welcome you as much as the Sioux did Custer.

The list below is The LAST PLACES you should go as North Dakota for example has constant winds. The cold will freeze you and none of you have ever experienced plains winter cold and none of you can fathom how roast you alive hot the plains can be unless you are in cold Maine or hot Texas. Those are two places I would never move to either. I think I read once that South Dakota has a record of 120 degrees in summer and 60 below in winter. You are not going to live there, no more than the Yukon which is wet and cold, and you as you like bathing, being warm and not having your turds freeze in your ass, the Yukon or some island that is going to be flooded is anywhere a normal person should go.

Meet you on the other side.

International Locations For Doomsday:

  • Antarctica: unlikely to be affected by war, avoid if climate change becomes increasingly worse.
  • The Isle Of Lewis, North Atlantic Ocean: a plethora of natural resources, isolated area, unlikely to be invaded.
  • Tierra Del Fuego, South America: unlikely to be hit by nuclear fallout, unlikely to be invaded.
  • Yukon, Canada: hunting, trapping, river commute, hard winters.

United States Locations For Doomsday:

  • The Dakotas: farming, largest prepping communities, has one of the largest bunkers in the world.
  • Montana: low population, known as a survivalist state, however, is in a shot of a nearby supervolcano located in the Wyoming area of Yellowstone National Park.
  • Washington: average population, good water quality, and area for cultivation. Avoid the Seattle area.
  • Idaho: low population, low levels of pollution, gun-friendly.

I'm about to give you some advice after my NON DONOR DAY of having to pull a trailer over to feed the cattle in snow with a pick up. It is not easy. You get stuck. It pulls hard so you burn fuel and your transmission and clutch get stressed.

Richard and Stephanie opted for the only bug out solution in a four wheel drive pick up, with a topper on it and a mattress in back. You morons with your travel trailers and other wagons, better be aware that there is mud, sand and snow and you are not going anywhere in that element. You try to Mitchell yourself across country and you will get hung up or stuck.

Stefan Verstappen's advice  was to shelter where you are. That is sound advice. If you though are hell bent on going somewhere, you had better look for a Mediterranean climate, as I told you that 90% of you are going to die from exposure. If you do not have to deal with the weather in most cases, you have most of your problems solved so you can invest time in cooking and resting as being out of your element is exhausting.

My Stage IV aunt before she went crematoria warm, lived like numbers of rich tards live by a golf course, packed in like sardines. I was doing a Google Earth of her place and it astounded me how close real open country was, meaning public land which of course will have numbers of squatters, but the numbers thin if you make it there. If it was up to me, I would look at Orange County in California and similar areas which have open areas 20 miles from the metro areas. That would include southern Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and the coastline areas from Louisiana to North Carolina. If you want to grow things, they will grow where it is warm and your survival is better in a warm climate.

Every state in the metro states as BLM lands and parks which is a better bet from someone in Pittsburgh than hauling ass to South Dakota and finding out they are in another drought or buried in snow that is hard as concrete. I keep reminding people that these rural areas are already flooded with these godddamn invaders. There is not enough resources in water, housing and food already, so what the hell do you think you are going to do in an armed state like South Dakota, with 20 million other refugee trash who thinks this country in the West is just yours for that taking.

I assure you, that you can grow a hell of allot better fruit, gardens and crops in New Jersey than you could ever try in South Dakota. You should stop believing these prep tards and at least figure out that there is a reason the plains do not have orchards for your fruit. It is because it does not rain out there.

Americans who listen to this prep for profit shit are going to have their own Trail of Tears in the Cherokee did not die because they did not have food, water and shelter from the army. They died because they gave up. America is going to be littered on the highways with vehicles and trailers that break down like the buffalo bone piles. It is going to be great fodder of people along these interstates and other areas in all the free stuff that will be available, just like the Oregon Trail was littered with dressers and other household stuff that had to be dumped because the animals wore out. A few miles further, those Missourians were buried as they just quit.

So your best bet with God is surviving in place. Your best bet is to find a place where it is warm and moderately wet for your to live and grow things.
