Saturday, June 15, 2024

Operation Bidenbossa


Ja, ja, jeg er Kong Bidenbossa.
Lad Russiske børns blod suge mit brød.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With news being put into print that NATO is clearing 4 land valleys of death for 300,000 Americans to land at 5 European ports and make their way to the Russian front as fodder, the Lame Cherry is frowning over this cause celeb, as apparently no one knows history.

I will explain below.

Examples are the best cure for ignorance. In Bush41's Gulf War it took from August until February, meaning 6 months, to move 600,000 Americans and equipment to theater.

On 7 August, The XVIII Airborne Corps, with its elite 82d Airborne Division, began to move to Saudi Arabia the next day, beginning a buildup of combat power in the region reaching at its peak about 600,000 U.S. personnel.

On 8 November 1990, President Bush announced that the U.S. VII Corps would move to the Gulf from its bases in Europe .

Operation Desert Storm on 17 January 1991 with the start of the air war.

At half that much American woke fodder, that is still 3 months to place American forces into formations on the Russian border and fully understand that Russia is going to be bombing American positions so as to not allow an assembly point.

In another incident. der Feuhrer, Adolf Hitler in Operation Barbarossa, required 10 months to get his troops and equipment to the borders to attack the Soviet Union. You should comprehend that a nation just does not drop expeditionary forces into place. Those forces need time to acclimate, assemble, train and deploy.

August 5th, 1940 - Attack June 22, 1941.

The United State utilizes the basis of transport in commercial aircraft and ships to transport troops. In this, it is the weak point, as in all wars, no nation has ever hit the United States in their bases, ports or shipping, save Imperial Japan in one incident at Pearl Harbor of December 1941 AD in the year of our Lord.

Observing the operational status of the Russian military, it is in it's intelligence and strike order competent in noting depots, assembly points and troop concentrations with command and control in Ukraine. It is logical to project that Russia understands that the fat pedos of Europe are absolutely not any threat to Russia in any NATO form. NATO needs these 300,000 vanishing breed White Americans in woke vaxed form to fight this war.

The place to deal with this Bidenbossa Operation is at the deployment point. Meaning American weapons mean nothing without living Americans operating  them, so the fire control logistics of this would be to kill America soldiers at US bases, ports, in transport to Europe or at European ports. Russia does not have to deal with 4 NATO corridors of invasion to Mother Russia, when Russia with hypersonic missiles kills and wounds 70% of this American landing force.

This lunacy of DC and NATO appears as bait to attempt to draw out Russia, to extend it's lines to be vulnerable. It is a realistic point though that Russia could eliminate 70% of expeditionary forces by landing, and the culling of this would be the shattering of the European economy in strikes on transport and energy.

The end result will be the same historical ending for NATO which Napoleon and Hitler's troops faced. They appeared and they disappeared upon reaching Russia as she aborts foreign armies.

If this group somehow succeeded in breaching Russia, Russia would deploy nuclear weapons, and those weapons would hit all of these ports in Europe and America, followed by ICBM strikes.

It is why this popular girl frowns as there is not any conceivable way that this deployment will ever succeed in any form.

It's only success was the Norman success in killing off hundreds of thousands of English, Canadian, ANZAC and Americans in world wars, and blaming the Germans. This is apparently the last warrior culling of the monarchal vatican banking group of the armed resistance in their dictator states.

Nuff Said
