Saturday, June 15, 2024

Small Change

I'm the Mother of Nuclear War,  Joe Biden is my turkey baster,
and London is the 10 cc drip.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In prelude to this, the Russians have off both Americans coasts, nuclear missile submarines with enough chemo warheads to cure every cancer cell in America for 1000 years, and in response to the following cock show by the United States Air Force in B 52H rape, the Russians are putting a hypersonic Naval armada in the Gulf of Mexico forever.
In response to this, the Air Force launched two obsolete single warhead missiles into the atmosphere, as for some reason the Russians were not afraid of obsolete 1952 bombers which their S 400 missile shield will cut rip to shreds.

In response to this, Russia will fire 21st century hypersonic missiles in American waters, because Russia does not scare and the District of Crooks is scared.

 One of the most alarming cases was the recent appearance of the American strategic bomber B-52H Stratofortress, which simulated a nuclear strike on the Kaliningrad region. 
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, the American bomber arrived from the North Sea, flew over Denmark and Sweden, approached the Baltic Sea, crossed it and ended up off the coast of Latvia and Lithuania. According to a number of experts, the conditional targets of the US Air Force were the bases of the Baltic Fleet units and other military installations in the Kaliningrad region.
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 Military Watch reported that not one, but two B-52H bombers were involved in this case. One of them flew with the transponder turned off, indicating a desire for secrecy and an attempt to avoid detection by Russian air defense systems.
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 a pair of American bombers almost completely flew around the perimeter of the borders of the Kaliningrad region, carrying out patrols. These aircraft took off from the British airbase Fairford and belong to the 69th squadron of the 5th Bomb Wing, based in North Dakota (USA).
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It is further evidence which the Lame Cherry published on, in the Pentagon is Christophobic in twice in less than one lunar cycle, that would be 30 days, Dictator Biden, the Kaganites and the Pentagon have waved their radioactive penises based in Minot North Dakota, home of Christian Saxons at Russia to reinforce the theme that Russia should nuke their kindred.
I could repeat myself and will, as the Great Plains is home to the Saxon race of the Lost 10 in Israelite Germans and Israelite Goths.That genus sailed up the Volga and gave Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medeved their good looks.

See someone is involved in staging mass murder of Protestant Christians of Israelite DNA.

So in review, the above penises, got erections to end Russia and Russia broke their cocks.

A B 52 penis did a nuke cum on Russian lands and Russia sent an armada to make the Gulf of Mexico into the Gulf of Putin.

Next Minuteman penis were launched into the sky, Russia will launch missiles that work in response, instead of B 52 flybys.

Russia is not impressed with dinosaur weapons from these penises. Russia has brought the war started in Europe, into America, because London, DC and the Pentagon keep flashing their erections in promising nuclear sex.

Now here is the thing.

Are you paying attention?

Russia does not show that it follows being manipulated. It does not fall for NATO enticements. It does not show interest in blowing up deer and antelope and 50 Saxons in North Dakota with 400 warheads being wasted.
Oh you might like this part...........

In the above quote, you might remember the Lame Cherry talking about staging areas and Air Force bombing routes, and here were these B 52's telling the Russians their launch area in Minot, their staging area, their refueling area, their routes which make the Denmark and Sweden hanging mushroom cloud targets, because the US Air Force revealed how long it takes to fly the routes.

See the trouble with flashing your old 1952 dick as Russians with their youthful dicks of the modern day, are going to put the hot jism deep into the bunkerstate.

Here is an image for you. You got the womb of the bunkerstate with the little woke eggs of those cock flashing at Russia, but Russia has these very fast ejaculating missiles, and Russia is not into deer and antelope sex or making ash of North Dakotans, instead Russia has the hots to penetrate the vaginal canal to the bunkerstate womb, and fire off a real RU 486 abortion pill. Yes you thought RU was just some RU, but it means Russian.
Anyway, Russia puts their RU into the bunkerstate and aborts all those wokesters and that kind of ends this front group of the Miestserkrieg.

I hope you got all that as I don't want to think up another analogy as the sex one was easy in explaining this.

The point of this is these anti human creatures have been fucking around with your lives. None of these puppets has been checking any of this as they are all owned by the front genders. You would not be waving bombs at your neighbors to get a better steak at a BBQ.  Yet this bad misbehavior is taking place against all of our wills as none of us want war.

Let us end this with a Airbim quote.

Would you be in favor of nuclear war if Russia shoved nuclear missiles up
every bunker in the West who stoked this and liberated the Western culture?

Seems like what a Christian would pray for, before Peace on Earth, just some bunker reckoning on the Christophobes.

Nuff Said
