Sunday, June 2, 2024

Smokin' the Political Fag


Smokin' the fag - Donald Dump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump ran WWE theater back in 2016 AD to run the table to be installed, and he sat on his ass to throw the 2020 AD wrastlin' title to bring us all to this 2024 AD in the year of our Lord WWE event.

For those sophisticants who have never watched the soap opera of fake wrestling, I will explain it so you understand the politics you are being raped by in this nonsense of Dictator Biden, Brain Worm Bobby and the Court Jester Deserter Don.

OK the McManns or whoever those WWE owners were who outsourced the original Minnesota world wrestling of Vern Gagne and Sgt. Slaughter for the Hulk Hogan era, came up with a format which was circus soap opera entertainment.

So you had the ring match that was the action. Then you had the intrigue of cameras recording the plotting of people betraying each other, and then you had the Gene Tunney interview. I loved Gene Okerland he was.........just the perfect maestro for this nonsense in being insulted and asking idiot questions.

OK so that is Trump 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, and in 2020 AD in the year for our Lord when all of us got set up by the DIA Qanon be design and now in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, you have before you another WWE event and all of these sophisticants to removed from what is going on, have no idea what this manipulation is, as it is coursing love and hate emotions and that is what this is all designed to suck you in.

We recently had a back stage event seeded into this when the Swammy brother of Nethers Haley was posting on Twitter that she was going to perform a coup at the RNC in Wisconsin. Textbook WWE to keep you on the edge of your seat and for Paul Singer to keep the heat on Deserter Don to put Marco Rubio onto the ticket.........again more WWE theater in the tan skins were always trotted out for flare for the White stars.

Fully expect Deserter Don to be found guilty in what is coming. Expect at the RNC that the black robe pounds the gavel and sentences Trump to prison. This will give Haley her chance to lift her fuckme skirt and present that sodden mess to GOPliter delegates who will be both lost without a leader and getting the strong arm to find a new leader.

Let us go to the next event.

Nikki Haley’s Brother Appears To Confirm COUP
Against Trump At Republican National Convention

See the courts with Trump are the main ring in this. Corey Lewandowski after lubing up Kristi Noem in lap dances is plugging into the RNC to save the day. I would think that the DIA script in this will have Trump on the run in Florida and other GOPliter states where he can not be arrested.........but Merrick Garland will appear with Chris Wray for a hidden camera recording of how they will rub each other's hands with lotion and plot how they will spring a trap on Trump to capture him. It has to be at some rally. Why not Indiana as those round heads would act all tough but just stand there and watch their Yeshua led away to a New York prison..........Trump really should have built a special prison for himself, complete with porn whores and a golf course for him to campaign from. That was really a cheap DIA oversight in this drama.

So Stormy Daniels and that Shylock Jewlawyer, were the side show in this. The McMahons loved tits and legs and Stormy has them, as much as that walking cock Clooney liked cum dumping in that little blonde they created out of WWE. It is the greasy Jew role and the sweaty whore. Makes good jack off entertainment and it shows that no one really is into any new material on this sequel, you know like anything Tom Skeritt was ever seen in for a movie.

So this is what is taking place in all of this. Just understand that DD, Worm Brain Bobby and Dictator Joe are all cartoon characters for this show, and these back stage dramas are all plugged in, just before the commercial breaks.

What is disappointing in this, beyond America stolen from us, is that I really did enjoy Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Eddie Guerro, the Undertaker, Caine and Batista, as they were really good showmen for years and Gene was the perfect foil for them.......hell Donald Trump was a great superstar in this in playing a role there. It was too bad that Ivanka never got to show her wares as her plastic surgeon was primo in making her a finished product which was wasted on that Jewboy Jared Kuschner.

Anyway, that is what you are seeing in the different story lines forming. Nether Haley is ready to tap out in the ring after she throws salty pee juice in DD's eyes so he can't see and is wandering around the ring and fans are wondering how he can elude the DOJ and FBI with DeSantis as his Trump's keeper.

I'm done with politics, but as you children and brats are holding onto this instead of Jesus, I'm just telling you what you are seeing over the past 8 years. If you do not want to show up in prison, stay out of this soap opera as Jan6 should have taught you to not have your heads up your asses.

Nuff Said
