Sunday, June 2, 2024

Messages in Russian

I am not a two bit whore. I'm a two bit Polish pilot flying Kiev Nazi
American F 16's to kill Russians. My 25 cents will pay for my funeral and
family's future.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

By the reaction of the Polish Air Force, we know for certain now where the American F 16's are being based, and where they will be flying from.

The Lame Cherry would add that Romania has apparently sworn off the F 16 nuclear platforms with British Storm Shadow missiles and is only going to be firing HIMARS at Russia in the near future.

"We warn you that Polish and allied aircraft have been activated in the Polish airspace, which may cause increased noise levels, especially in the country’s southeast. Tonight (in the small hours of June 1 — TASS), intensive long-range aviation activity of the Russian Federation is being observed," the Operational Command of the republic’s Armed Forces said in a post on X at 4:17 a.m. Moscow time (1:17 a.m. GMT - TASS). Three hours later, the Command reported the return of the aircraft to their home bases.

This is going to be a sniper war at Russia from the ghost border regions of Moldova, Romania and Poland, flying mostly Slavic Polish pilots or other suicide mercs for hire.

It is a logical projection that Russia's flight was an early warning that Poland will be hit over these AmericaF 16's which will coordinate with a Kiev withdrawal in the Russian June offensive to get Russia moving in the open, so that these Polish F 16's and Romania HIMARS will hit the Russians in the open.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says his forces have launched a major operation against the Kharkiv region, which sits across the border from Belgorod, to create a buffer zone to protect Russian frontier villages from Ukraine’s fatal attacks.

This is all prep work and the minute NATO shoots down any Russian aircraft this will escalate to nuclear warheads being loaded.

Nuff Said
