Saturday, June 22, 2024

That Hezbollah Catch 22


hal hasalat ealaa qadib yanfukh bialnaar min 'ajl rahim mufaeil nawawiin yahudiin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the declaration by US government officials that anyone who criticizes the State of Tel Aviv belongs rotting jail, as 2900 arrests of peaceful protesters, funded by Jewish overlord George Soros who wants Philistine oil and gas for his rather retarded son who replaced him, so he can get a date with a real vagina, are not enough rot in prisons, Americans are in a position of being criminals in supporting the Jewish slogan of NEVER AGAIN.

Now that Dictator Biden and Rainbow Warrior Anthony Blinken have made a holocaust of Gaza, Tel Aviv is warming up the bombs to be dropped on Lebanon, and Hezbollah is telling Tel Aviv that it is going to bomb Cyprus where TelAviv and London use that island as their personal military base.

The key word in this is escalation.

I know I’ve said it a million times, but the bigger issue here is that when Israel attacks Lebanon, Iran will get involved. Israel will have proof Iran is involved. Israel will, at some point, begin bombing Iran, and Iran will strike back, and Israel will demand a bigger US presence and the US, as always, will do what they’re told. Then, through whatever series of events, Iran will end up in direct conflict with the US.

As the Lame Cherry reported months ago, the State of Tel Aviv is precarious on the civilian level. It is England with Nazi Germany in world war, where it has to import everything. Even the Jewish leadership of the electrical grid are now stating that Hezbollah is going to destroy the electrical grid.

Couple this with the examination the Lame Cherry conducted of the water supply in the lands occupied, and literally the State of Tel Aviv would be without electricity for months and without water for weeks. That is not a condition to prolong Jewish life. Tel Aviv has over 200 nuclear bombs, but what good are nukes when you are baking to death, dying in hospital from no electric, and trying to drink your urine as you are thirsty and the water trucks are not running as Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran are dropping bombs every few seconds everywhere.

There is a huge Catch 22 in this, which is Hezbollah's Trump Card. No one speaks of Hezbollah's nuclear weapon. The Lame Cherry will explain.The State of Tel Aviv has a nuclear power plant. Hezbollah has more than enough missiles to hit this and turn it into Chernobyl which pretty makes this spit of land called the State of Tel Aviv a radiation zone for decades. Tel Aviv is threatening to nuke the Muslims who resist and it has kept them at bay.They have neutron bombs, but they would need to use dozens to cleanse the land as they are not wide area effective. So it comes to atomic bombs, again not all Southern Lebanon, but the point is, there is something that is just south of Southern Lebanon. It is the State of Tel Aviv. In other words, use a nuke in Lebanon, and the radiation ends up cleansing all of the State of Tel Aviv. That is the Catch 22 in this.Tel Aviv can not use radiation fall out weapons as the radiation will fall out on the sand spit that the Jews occupy.

While everyone talks about the Jewish self scorched earth doctrine in they will launch nukes to kill themselves and everyone else, the fact is Hezbollah and every Muslim has their own doctrine  If Hezbollah is defeated and going the way  of the Philistine, they will have nothing left to lose and will use their nuclear asset to end the State of Tel Aviv.

Iran fully understands this and will hit this reactor if they are hit by nuclear weapons from Tel Aviv.

Hezbollah is warning of war without rules. Some look at Cyprus. Cyprusis nothing. It is the Jews warning of the power grid destruction in the State of Tel Aviv, and the warnings over water and this nuclear reactor which are the kills shots Hezbollah can complete.

Perhaps Ashkejew officals in the District of Crooks should focus on stopping their religious kindred in Tel Aviv and New York in making war for profit as the threat and not focus on putting Americans into prison to rot for using the Jewish slogan, NEVER AGAIN.

Nuff Said
