Thursday, June 20, 2024

The California Front

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry will honestly state that if Donald Trump had not thrown the 2020 AD in the year of our Lord elections, that Dear Leader, Kim Yo Jong would not have had the stand in for her brother sign a strategic treaty with Russia, but due to South Korean, American and the threat of China, North Korea has looked to the protective umbrella of Mother Russia and found a market for goods, food for their people and the use of Russian satellites to direct Russian missiles to hit Tokyo, Manila, Taipei and Guam.

Give this enough time as Russia is looking to install ICBM's in North Korea and Hawaii, Alaska and America's 48 all come under the nuclear final solution of Moscow, and the reality is, Star Wars is not infinite it what it can do in providing shields. Fire enough missiles off from different parts of the world and Star Wars will fail. The Russians understand this, and now you understand this, as that is why Russia moved North Korea onto the board.

So much for the Victoria Nuland / Biden F 16s' to Ukraine as the entire Western flank of the United States has been exposed. One must understand as the Obama Shift to fighting his favorite nation of Peking just had a strategic maneuver flatten that Birther ass brain ideas, as now North Korea, for Peking can deal with Taiwan as a favor to China. North Korea now becomes the exposed point, wiping out Guam, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, all thee American forward bases and DC now has to decide is this worth being hit by Russia as Russia is now protecting Pyongyang. With this North Korea proxy, it changes thee entire dynamic. North Korea now has missiles which will hit all those island bases that the Pentagon stupidly thought it could defeat China with in an island war like it did Japan. With Pyongyang now capable of striking, putting these idiot Marines onto islands to strike at China is what it is, all the islands nuked and all the Marines trying to operate from the few they are on dead.

North Korea has now become a Pacific giant. North Korea now has the stance to become even more aggressive against South Korea and it will topple Seoul and exploit this to the hesitation of all island parties.

Bank on it, that Japan will begin assembling it's nuclear arsenal from the not assembled parts it has in storage. Nuclear solutions are all that is left in the Pacific.

You may ask yourself if giving that dwarf in Kiev, American F 16's and telling them to attack Russia, was a good trade off, now that the Russian move has North Korea armed and will put ICBM nuclear bases into North Korea to hit your homes.

The answer is these Kaganite antagonism against Russia is a very stupid idea in what just took place. If you needed help with that answer, you probably will get the right answer when Russia puts nuclear weapons into Mexico, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, aimed at America, in exchange for their being part of the BRICS Defense Pact. That is what is taking place with North Korea. You can bet that as Ukraine lusts for NATO membership to protect it's crimes, that North Korea in BRICS is going to have an open market for trillions of dollars of their rare metal to be mined and sold, without sanctions.

As the title of this white paper defines, California is now the front line in the Pacific War and not the Ring of Fire Islands off the coast of China.

Expect the same front to appear from Cuba.

Yes Friend Putin, we will nuke the DC imperialist dogs and bring the nuclear war
to thee American West Coast.

2Pac ft. Dr. Dre - California Love (Official Video) [Full Length Version]

Jun 16, 2018 ... ... LyricsCalifornia love California knows how to party California knows how to party In the city of L.A In the city of good ol' Watts In the ...

Nuff Said
