Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Din Do War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry broke this story during the Obama regime, my focus was on the group of Lutheran Social Services in their importing invaders into America. What the Lame Cherry discovered was our "What would Jesus do?"was behind all of this. Bush43 had transferred the funding of Christian Charities to be  plugged into federal  funding. All of us were suckered and blindsided as we trusted W, but W was the first link in this, before cuddling with Big Mike Obama, as Obama was the one who imploded the 3rd world and caused this massive population shift to destroy the 1st world.

Below you will find the information that it is the Ashkejews who are running this scam and it is the others plugged into them from the Vatican to the Lutherans. Only this blog broke the story of the 10,000 dollar cash cards given these  invaders from organizations like WHO. It was not traced, but it was tax money. We now know from the quote below that Bidencon blew through 600 million dollars in three months, laundering money to themselves and to these invaders.

He cut checks to Jewish Family Services, Catholic charities and a couple others.

And I said, “Tell me about, just give me an example.” And he goes, “Okay. Jewish Family Services. Let me explain how this works. The Jewish Family Services….” I said, “Cut. Tell me tell me the amount, okay, before you get started.” He said, “Six hundred million dollars.” And I said, “Okay, was that two- or three-years contract?” He goes, “No, that was like two-, three- to six-months max.” Max!

Then he said what was really stunning to me is this is where the money laundering scheme comes in. So he goes, “You have Jewish Family Services at the top.” He says they have 50, say, let’s just say 50 to 100 subcontractors underneath them. “After I give them,” he’s telling me, “After I cut that check for $600 million, then those smaller subcontractors that are responsible for food, clothing, housing, whatever that $600 million does not cover or did not cover enough, those subcontractors call us and say, ‘We need 10 million here. We need 5 million here.’” [Emphasis added]

And I say, “Well, do you vet it?” He goes, “No. We’re in emergency mode, so we cut the checks immediately to them.” And he says, “But here’s where, this is where it gets crazy, J.J.” He said, “When I cut the checks to the subcontractors, I’m cutting the check to the same payee. I’m sending the same funds to Jewish Family Services, the same account. So, you have Jewish Family Services getting $600 million, but you have 50 to 100 subcontractors that I’m paying, but I’m paying to the same bank account as Jewish Family Services. It’s all a lie. It’s just all a lie.”

And I said, “Okay, well you cut a $600 million check. Are you now tracking that to check?” And he goes, “Listen. You have to understand, J.J., nobody’s following the money. No one cares.” 

In the Brier, I monitor all of this. All of us are under the Mexican mafia as that is how this was set up under Obama. Chicago as a dope warring hell hole. We noticed here last month light skinned, tall ink stamped Latinoids and the Mexicans vanished when they are around. These are the Venezuelans making a move now in America.

The Negroids being dumped into America are Muslims and are displacing the American Afroids. War is coming in the ghettos according to this.

I can also report that.....OK my Banditos know me and smile, because they know I have guns.The one I call the Camaro Guy, never works, chats up the chicas, and is always shepherding beaners around.  Last time I saw him, he had in tow this big dark skinned motherfucker, who looked mean. The Mexicans are importing enforcers now to America as this big mother is a killer and that is why he is here.

So now you get a bit of this. The Hedge fags are pumping money into places to create industry. As I reported Governor Kristi Noem bitching about her Mexican mafia, knows damn certain that she is importing slave labor and the "wages"and Biden cash cards are flowing back into Wall Street in the big name brands, as Mexicans spend money on bling, cell phones and rides and nothing else.

Half of the din dos will not work. The other half are going to not have jobs when this starts melting down by design. When we keep hearing about civil war in America, it ain't the Whites who are going to be in revolt, it appears there is a ghetto war coming in all these enclaves, mafia on mafia and the Obama din dos from Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, New York City..........there is going to be ethnics warring on each other.

.............and baby sister, do not think that the Jews in their factions are no going to be house cleaning either as this liberal American Jewry is a huge problem for the Elders and the other Koshers of Zion.

Nuff Said
