Saturday, June 8, 2024

Greater Ukraine for a War Summer - The Flesh Missile Rape Phase

Mother Russia is not fooled by where you are placing your flesh missiles

Scott Ritter: Misreading Russia, West drags entire world into Armageddon By giving Ukraine the green light to strike with NATO-grade weapons deep inside Russia, the West is inviting retaliation by Russia and, potentially, nuclear Armageddon, warned former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter. "Russia continuously indicates it is looking for a negotiated settlement. These Russian postures, which are very reasonable, are being misinterpreted in the West as a sign of Russian weakness, and therefore the collective determination of the West is that they just continue to pressure Russia, ratchet up the pressure that Russia will fold like a house of cards, and run to the peace table and bring an end to this conflict. That's not going to happen. This is a misreading of the situation by the West," Ritter told Sputnik.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry challenges the flat brain assessment of Scott Ritter that the West is misreading Russia. This global cartel understands Russian steps to escalation and are exploiting it.  They know exactly what their deployments are doing in a non response from Russia.

Mr. Ritter must stop the cliche verbiage and express the reality of the assessment in fact as no one is an ignorant in any of this. This is all by war game design.

Mr. Putin himself used the word PARITY with American in nuclear weapons. That means Russia respects the power of the American arsenal and does not want a fight with America. That means this proxy fight by Kiev is going to an European Russian war in the future, just as reverse speech exposed Barack Hussein Obama stating exactly that while he occupied the White House.

Russia understands completely that these Kiev chimps can peal  the bananas, but that it is DC, London and Paris military technicians guiding the bombs hitting Russia. It requires space based targeting and control of these systems, Kiev does not have this. Moscow knows it has been fighting America, England and France for over a year.

The Ukrainians are unable to deploy ATACMS, Storm Shadows and Scalps themselves. This is only possible with the help of space reconnaissance. The flight routes for this ammunition are being worked out in the NATO countries themselves.
In one case they are delivered directly from NATO bases to the missile systems, in the other case they are transmitted via tablets. But in any case, the maximum participation of Ukrainian soldiers in this process is to suggest the target on the map.
And then it's up to the NATO people. And they usually choose the destinations themselves.
Washington, London and Paris must be clear that Russia fully understands NATO's role in carrying out these attacks. And there is no reason for the West to blow these lexical soap bubbles, because they do not have to give Ukraine “permission” or “non-permission” to do so. This is the work of the NATO people. And they will have to answer for it.

This all goes back to the reality of Russia loading nuclear warheads as a deterrent. Whtn that occurs, then the sequence has begun to use those weapons as Russia is not going to load a weapon and not use it. That is what the cartel has been exploiting. In what is coming, the cartel intends with F 16 ghost warfare to make Russia bleed, but not move this to a nuclear phase yet. Russia will hit nations which weapons and platforms originate from in NATO. That is going to bring this home and should take place  this summer as the Russian advance goes into full out of the trenches mode. The Kiev Nazi should retreat and provide an open field where Russia will advance. This is when the American F 16's and long range missiles will go to work from Poland, the Black Sea, Romania and the Baltics. It will be fudging where exactly the Ukrainian borders are as NATO will  say it is Ukraine for a time this year will expand to the Baltics, Romania and Poland.

Russia is obliterating the Ukrainian F 16 bases. This leaves only outside of Ukraine for these nuclear fighters to operate.

The Pentagon, London and Paris know exactly what they are engaged in, placing all of us under vaporization risk.

Nuff Said

