Sunday, June 2, 2024

The God Selfie

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will start this out with I hate the Chinese. I hate the Taiwanese. I hate Latins whose vocation it is to screw White people over at the BBB, when there are always problems with Chinamen phones.

As I do not work for the Koreans, I will state that I have Samsungs and none other. The Koreans make good tires, good LG appliances and good phones.

Now onto other things.

Dear LC, remember that time I asked about buying a bike, I should have consulted you on buying a chinese phone,oh well. Anyway I met DE again after years,got baptised since my last message to you, I feel the same really,anyway thanks for your posts.   

Of course you are not going to feel any different from Baptism, am pleased you undertook this as he that believes in Christ and is Baptized shall be saved

Baptism is not water only as Martin Luther stated in the great return of the Church of Christ from the bondage of popery.

The Sacrament of Baptism - Luther's Small Catechism

Baptism is not just plain water, but it is the water included in God's command and combined with God's word. Which is that word of God? Christ our Lord says in ...

Let me explain something and I'm eternal death serious here. Baptism is the washing away of sin and the regeneration of the dead by the Holy Ghost. Washing and Regeneration.

Let us go back to Jesus. What did Jesus do when He said He was giving the Holy Ghost to the disciples? He breathed or exhaled on them.

What happened on Pentecost or First Fruits? Tongues of Fire as the new harvest of saved souls sown into Spirit began. Christ is Immanuel, God with us. Christ prayed the Father for a Comforter and the Holy Ghost came, and  in that moment of transfiguration, every Faithful person became just like the Prophets and High Priest. There was no more Consuming Flame to destroy us, because by Christ in us now, we are the Living Flame. Where God only once appeared to the Anointed few, through Christ and the Holy Ghost, all of the Faithful became Anointed, One with God.

The serious part about this were born a living soul. Bodies die, souls are immortal, but God can destroy in Hell both the body and soul. When your soul has sown into it, the Spirit of God, you become Spirit, that is eternal. God is eternal. Angels are eternal. demons are eternal. Spirit can not be destroyed.

That is the grave reality of this. You get God's Spirit in you, and you go back to rejecting God, you are not going to destroyed in Hell (Gehenna). You are going to experience eternal death just like demons.

Now with that sobering reality to keep people on the straight and narrow, let us go back to not feeling any different in Baptism. Baptism is not water only. It is the Word of God, it is the washing and the regeneration. Do you remember what the Bible says about the children of God in how they become children of the Spirit? "Receive ye the Spirit of God".

If you want to feel different, then you invite God's Holy Spirit in, knowing the gravity of this and the consequences. This is being adult. This is knowing that you do not treat the Holy Ghost with any disrespect. He will inform you of things and if you reject His Guidance, He is going to not put up with your being an idiot.

I was a huge idiot, fool, and I wasted years of this wonderful life, because I told the Holy Ghost one night, "If I had what I wanted, then I would not need to be comforted".  OK before all of this, I could summon the Holy Ghost and the experience was remarkable as it was euphoria. It was so intense I could not go to sleep, which when you are exhausted is not exactly what is appreciated.

That was all gone in an instant. Once you have that there is nothing to compare this to. This was my waters of Meribah moment or years of this. Only recently in another full of pain experience, did the answers come from my moment of being a fool. I can not explain this as it is personal. It would not make sense, except for someone unique like me as I never understand what I got myself into or what God allowed. I will say though that God was absolutely right. The answer was always there and I was too dense to know of echoes as no one talk about things like this. I just was unaware I was focused on a shadow instead of the true light I was searching.

The point is, absolute trust in God as He has the Way through everything to exactly what you know you want, but in His solution and it will be perfect.

So when you are ready, you speak with the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name. Invite Him in and treat Him as the most precious delicate Being ever out of respect, even though He deals with someone like me constantly. You will feel different when it happens.

You have seen these zombies walking around too. You have seen people like BJ Thomas get saved, get the glow expression, sing the Jesus songs, no one pays attention to them and they go back to singing the old songs and get sad as things do not work out as they think. The Holy Ghost is functional. Not much can be done with gobsmacked zombies. Even with my experiences, I was still functional. Am still functional over the heavy harness and toil. The Holy Ghost lasts and is there to Comfort and I get that allot in my situations. Good feelings wear off and that is not the Holy Ghost.

So when you are Baptized with the Holy Ghost and He regenerates you, then you have the entire process. Invest in God and He Will manifest thee investment.

Think that is about it.

Nuff Said
