Sunday, June 2, 2024

Do Two lies and a deny Make it not Happen with the Pentagon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading the below denial from the US Department of Defense and watching the video, keep in mind one thing, that Iran issued a denial that it's leadership's helicopter was brought down due to sabotage. For Iran to do otherwise would mean war. It is more astute to lie and carry out retribution.

The same is true with the US DOD. It is correct to deny that the Houthi's did not hit two US warships, and yet in what is a night vision drone, there is a glow of another ship on fire and what appears to be a carrier hit, on fire and with subsequent detonations.

No the Houthi did not hit these ships which would be honest, but to tell the Truth who did hit the ships would be an act of war which America would have to fight a real war, not a proxy war, against perhaps Iran or against perhaps Russia.

Houthis Claim Of Hitting USS Eisenhower Is Denied By US
X Video Real Or CGI? Is Russia Behind The Hit In Response
To 2 Nuclear Warning Radars Knocked Out? First Ship Hit In
Video Is A Destroyer, Second Ship May Be Escorted Carrier?

Yemen Announces 6 Fresh Operations Against US Aircraft
Carrier And Other Vessels

Unnamed US 'Defense Official’ Says There Is No Truth
The USS Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier Was Hit By Houthis

Houthis Claim US Destroyer And Carrier USS Eisenhower
Both Attacked And Hit In Red Sea - Sputnik Report

Houthis Claim To Have Hit US Carrier Eisenhower After
US And UK Air Attacks On Yemen

The carrier does look small, but whoever is behind this video, if it is AI invested a great deal of resources as the horizon shows a ship on fire, night vision is involved, there are craft parked on this carrier rear and front, detonations of small shells follow, and in the main detonation, it lights up objects on the back horizon.

There is a great deal of lying taking place by the Americans in the District of Crooks. The Houthi absolutely downed an American drone, with pictures as proof, and yet the DOD stated again in clever subterfuge that the US Air Force had not lost any aircraft in the theater.

A US defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, told the Associated Press that “the US Air Force has not lost any aircraft operating within US Central Command’s area of responsibility.”

It appears the CIA did have an umarked drone shot down.

So we are running liar's dice. A non hypersonic missile may have struck US warships, and someone created an AI video of it, as the Pentagon is reacting hard on this in denial when they do not usually bother.

It is just the point that DC is lying and were caught lying. So they have zero credibility again, and more to the point, they have now shown fear in being willing to accept their carriers being hit and they will lie about it.

Nuff Said
