Friday, June 14, 2024

The Orthodox Prophets

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a logical assessment of what the state of Tel Aviv is engaged in with their messianic fervor for a Jesus replacement from a Russian reality and in the comments there was the following rendition. I would believe that everyone reading this, has never heard of the Russian Prophets of the Orthodox, and  yet if you read the devotion which those who are Orthodox have for these seers it is incredible to fathom how these Prophets are unknown in Protestant Christendom.

Meet you on the other side

Yesterday, 07: 05
Wow, barmaley... YOU have wonderful logic.

Kazara! This is not my logic, but the prophecies of the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church. everything is ready for the coming of Satan.

Almost, but not Satan, but the Antichrist.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand who rules the world.

This is not difficult for Orthodox people to understand, but for atheists, yes.

Anyone familiar with the works of political scientist T V Gracheva will understand everything perfectly.

So Gracheva is the head of the department of Russian and foreign languages, and not a theologian. It was not noticed on theological grounds. Unfortunately, she died on March 4, 2023 at the age of 73. Notable anti-Semite. Even such famous railways as Shnirelman, Brod and Semyon Charny noted it with their indignation.
  1. 0
    Yesterday, 16: 23
    Everything you say. This is the truth. Unfortunately, I was not able to correspond with Colonel T. V. Gracheva, but her works had a strong influence on me. I recommend it to you (the prophecies of Monk Abel on YouTube. These are the prophecies of Monk Abel on the icons of Monk Lazarus. My fate was prophesied in my youth I laughed...but I spent one year in 1990 in the hospital and instantly became wiser. Everything came true and is coming true, but the stupid and stubborn will never understand this. This is life

Monk Abel was a remarkable man, and even more persecuted.  He predicted all of what would befall Russia. His first great Prophecy was that Catherine the Great would die within a year and she did. His visions were based in like St. Paul,, being caught up to Heaven, shown two books, ordered by God to reveal the contents and Monk Abel did just that, and ended up in prison for most of his life for what he revealed, as it would rock Russia.

There is another set or Prophecies from the Orthodox which are interesting, because they are unique, from the Barvarian Seers. In this Prophecy, there will arise a Russian Czar of the Romanov line from the matriarch's side.

Now is this Putin lurking around in his support of the Church in the fervor of morality, or is there are fervent Russian out there who is going to become leader of Russia?

A mighty Tsar' will be placed upon the Throne by God Himself. He will be a great reformer, and he will be strong in the Orthodox faith. He will cast down the ...

The focus of this Prophecy is that the anti Christ appears a short time after Russia becomes a world power, which in fact it is now become.

It would appear that this great leader might indeed be Putin. It would be fascinating if his lineage were Romanov.

Nuff Said
