Friday, June 14, 2024

Mushroom Pickers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Days ago I posted for next week a post from the Serbian President stating he suspected a greater war in Europe in 3 to 4 months. I have not joined the fear porn over this as this is months away. I covered it to prepare you for what you need to do. In this post the Lame Cherry will again move to logical progression in what is coming as a war is coming. It will be a missile strike war of long range and glide bombs, before it escalates.

Wider European War On The Horizon

US Navy Sent Nuclear Submarine USS Helena To Cuba

'Limited' Nuclear Conflict With Russia - US Shifts
Doctrine To Respond To Moscow

Russia Is Ready - If Necessary - For A First Nuclear Strike - Sudden
Deployment Of ‘Prometheus’ - Dozens Of Nukes Target Ukraine
All Strategic Weapons Of Russia Are Now In Combat Service

This is not a troop war coming. This is a long range weapon war and drone war. They kill as much as a bullet, but death will appear from long lange, as when the great long range artillery of World War I appeared and changed combat in firing on entrenched positions.

This is the first time that you are going to read this anywhere in what is escalating, so pay attention. The Kaganite cartel moved DC and NATO to a crippling war against Russia using Ukraine. This is not the entire scope of this operation. We have reached what was a scenario in a Phase II, in what will be done when Russia wins the war in Ukraine, as nothing has changed. The entire scope of this is to still cripple Russia and break up the Federation into parts warring with each other.

Did you daydreamers get that, in this is now a second break apart phase of Russia and Russia has walked into this by design, and what is coming is a longer range war for Russia in exposing herself in theater and globally making her more vulnerable as Mr. Putin's war industry is going to be struck, and very likely the petroleum industry, which are Russia's chief economic sources.

This is taking place already, but it will be on a large scale. Fully understand that Saudi Arabia and Gulf oil may not be hit, as they play both sides of this. It is very likely the United States Gulf oil in Alaska and Mexico will be hit, which plays into Bidencon depleting American emergency reserves and shipping what is energy to Europe. They mean to lock you down without any fuel as part of this. This is all by design.

Russia will be struck and crippled, and Russia will retaliate, but with conventional strikes it has two continents to deal with while the cartel only has the area of western Russia to deal with.

Cripple Russia and you cripple BRICS. None of this is happening by accident. Cripple Russia and the District of Crooks shifts this then to China break up, if a revolution does not spark in Russia.

Do not thin for a moment that you are not going to bleed and suffer. Russia in this will have to eliminate Ukraine as a border threat. Russia if it goes tactical nukes, it will be hit with the same tactical nukes, removing the surface threat Navy and it's ports. America for the most part is going to continue the war on the Americans in economic seizure, that is what shortages and high prices are designed to do as you inject more mRNA in another bird bug release to make more money off the stampeded masses.

Russia is lapse in this, as she needs to have operational bases in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua already operational and ready to fire.

The demoniacs of the West have deceived themselves into the mindset that they can control this escalation, manage it to their own means and further crack down on Americans and Europeans, in using the mayhem for the super police state. Again, somewhere in this the 5th Reich is moving to establish itself in the 10 Nation Confederation in Europe as the eagle becomes ashes in America.

When this faggot NATO mushroom picker Stoltenberg starts talking about using the NATO nuclear arsenal, NATO has not one warhead. This is the seizure by NATO of American and English nukes, and those lent out to Germany and Turkey for war against Russia.

How in the hell this mushroom picker got control over American nuclear missiles under Dictator Biden should be the priority of Gay Ear Graham instead of the mineral nonsense this McCain protege has been espousing in the US Senate.

Russia is not sitting still with conventional weapons. She has deployed the S 500 which is a nuclear shield in Crimea. This will knock down incoming space weapons in ICBMS, but that is the end of this theater, and not the theater we have entered into, a it will be conventionals, then tacticals, then the big stuff if the Kaganite faggots have miscalculated this.........and yes they have the numbers and have gamed this in projections so they will be ruling from the bunkerstate as all of this has been factored in since Birther Obama first was whining about this in reverse speech.

Russia has prepositioned it's Navy into the North Sea and US Gulf. I would suspect that it has besides the US Pacific coast a number of operational sub boats working on the entire America forward base structure. One never hears of the Russian suitcase nukes which are already in place in Mixot, Alexaxdria, Whixeman and other tactical areas, but they are there, as that is what the Soviet's were doing in the Cold War and Russia is not going to trust to Star Wars being stopped or it's missiles doing the job. That would include Peking, Tehran and Pyongyang having their own suitcases in place, as their hard liners drink power drinks and listen to homosexual cinema.

The X means I do not need any more inquiries about places from the police state as all I know is what is published online in public venues approved by the CIA Mockingbird.

The Lame Cherry does not expect this to go hot, until Mother Russia gets a missile up her private parts.

The Kremlin if it plans on fighting this, should strike with 300 tactical nukes in Europe, Ukraine and various DC interests for a crippling blow and then survive the retaliation. In eliminating projection and command and control, it's command and control would remain viable, but in the bunkerstate the West would lose control and in the interlude Russia might survive, with a dominant China holding the world hostage to their cancerous habits.

Russia has won in Ukraine. It's troops will begin open advance. That is when the F 16's come into play on the Russian lines first. That is where this then begins in how much Russia will absorb in death before it strikes into NATO. It has the shields up in Cuba and the North Sea. We will know the mind of the Russian leadership in the near future.

Nuff Said
