Friday, June 21, 2024

The Ring of Fire

Enter in, sexy bikini, Ring of Fire and Johnny Cash
and this is what the AI generates.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children and my brats that would be donors and people who are trusted to donate, were informed last winter that HAARP was  having a war on that normal High Pressure Dome which brings warm temperate and dryer conditions.

Those lezbo geniuses of HAARP did succeed in breaking that dome, but Mother Nature does not like being forced to bend at the butt, and now we find out what the all powerful HAARP has done. In all of that chem spraying and atmospheric rape, HAARP has succeeded in taking a hot high pressure dome which should be circulating over Colorado and pushed the thing over the Ohio Valley.

For those who need help in maps of America and geology, when these normal high heat drought cycles appear, sometimes for 500 years, they are in areas of the High Plains which have pasture and range as crops which can deal with that heat. Now that HAARP has set up that super heat dome over the Ohio, well, while Mississippi is always hot as hell in summer, now with humidity allot of the east coast is going to be humid hot as hell.

Great news though as it was snowing in Montana and North Dakota not that long ago. I have been monitoring the Cold Sink HAARP created over British Columbia last week and it will be extremely cold in Montana and other approaches to the Rockies of 25 degrees colder. You start in HAARP dropping temperatures to the 60's and you just might get freezes across those states which is not good for farming and your food supply.

No worry as Idaho is stealing all the water so the Chicoms can mine cobalt there with all that JuFinance money out of New York hedgefunds.

Meanwhile by your thermostat the story continues.

See this is feeding out of the dome that slipped up from Mexico where it had been forced and is now sliding northeast. The word is this thing is going to rebuild in July after the snow freeze out of BC filters through and that will fry the corn and beans in the Midwest and Northeast..........not so much for Hotlanta as the Deep South is going to be hot as balls as it always is which is good for Mammy pickin' cotton balls.

OK so the lesson in this is, you can use weather mod to try and contain Russian, North Korean and Chinese radiation in the Plains with nuclear strikes, and break Colorado High Pressure Domes, but when you break the atmosphere Ma Nature puts that normal dome over the Midwest and fries things there where crops and people can not take the heat. Lovely year for melons in high heat. Just lovely.

When I was a juvenile, not delinquent, we had one of these balls as hot heat summers. Everything turned brown. I had grown muskemelons or tried that year. The mother bused herself off to the brothers and left me, which was a relief, but I dropped the shades as I wanted no part of that hot ass weather and figured to let the garden burn up.
Here is the thing. I watered 3 days before I gave up. When I checked back, the vines were pretty toast, but I had piles of melons, big melons which I kid you not, grew in 3 days from nothing. Was an amazing event in how plants can make fruit so fast with that kind of high heat.

I recall my brother appeared, and in slopping and sluruping down my melons, happened to get out, without drowning himelf on fruit that the melons did not have much flavor. That was typical of that asshole.

So anyway, I told you this dome was generating naturally and now we know HAARP can only dislodge things this immense and they appear over areas where the proper people all live who are not expendable to nuclear bombs.

That is about it. There is a kind of sick humor here in the rock station keeps playing that Johnny Cash song, Ring of Fire. I used to like Cash, but after he died, his woke ass son was all woke ass and I really do not have much time for anything Cash anymore, as it typical in the rural people who gave these people the silver spoon are now not what these proper holler folk offspring want around their hick mansions.

I wonder if the lezbos will be made to answer for this, as losing some buffalo grass is hardly the same as the Chicoms losing the entire Midwest bean crop. Probably should have just left this shit alone as Russia is not going to nuke the Minuteman missiles as those are Russia supporters out there and Russia can knock those dinosaurs down with their S 500 systems.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said

Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire (OFFICIAL VIDEO) COLOR ... - YouTube

Mar 21, 2014 ... Had to remastered this one. No Official Video, so I made one. My first one wasn't in Color, because my Video editing program was having an ...
