Sunday, June 23, 2024

When a Jew brings a war to a World which fights back

I have my fancy welfare American jet and my kosher tampon
so yes I'm lethal.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is of interest as the Lame Cherry was attempting to figure out the insanity of Tel Aviv in attacking Lebanon due to the defenses of Hezbollah.

We though in this lust for world war are discovering that all the brave Europeans are not so fond of getting bombed.........that is just for Americans, Hezbollah, Russia and Gaza.

Once Hezbollah warned it was going to blow Cyprus off the map as Jews lurked around there in military operations, Cyprus capitulated to surrender. England soon followed in stating it true anti Semite fashion that no Jews have been allowed on English bases since the Jews went holocaust against Gaza.

The Europeans though are offering lip support to Cyprus. Well except for Greece which took Russia's warning from President Putin real, in Russia was going to obliterate Greece for having Americans piling up to invade Russia from Greece.

Meet you on the other side.

I hope you noticed the bit about Russia already in the Suez, Syria and Libya and is running drills in Syria. The same Syria which has Russian S 300 and S 400 missiles, and in the links below we can ascertain that the Tel Aviv air force which is going to have to fly F 16's in the attack on Hezbollah, along with helicopters are going to get the shit shot out of them.

What about the Jewish F 35.The CIA Washington Post fills this part in.

S-300/S-400s will shoot down all F-16s - Iraq/Afghan wars veteran

Nov 21, 2023 ... The comprehensive and advanced Russian air defense system is fully capable of intercepting any US F-16 fighter jets supplied to the ...

Russia's S-400 Missiles Would 'Blow Apart' F-16 Fighters

May 5, 2023 ... ... shot down by the threats they're trying to destroy.” The USAF veteran with 25 years of experience said that the S-400 SAMs were fielded 15 ...

The answer on the F 35 is:

Russians may gain access to F-35 technology and learn how to target its weaknesses.

In late May, Kathryn Wheelbarger, U.S. acting assistant secretary of defense, said that the “S-400 is a Russian system designed to shoot down an aircraft like the F-35.”

She said “it is inconceivable to imagine Russia not taking advantage of that [intelligence] collection opportunity.”

Past estimates suggested that the radar systems on the S-400 can identify an F-35 once it is within about 20 mile

It is stupid to tell the world the F 35 has weaknesses, and that it is visible at 20 miles. 20 miles is Syria and Hezbollah. Of course, an F 35 is just more junk sitting in a hanger with missiles bowling it up. The point is though  that if Tel Aviv starts  blowing up Syrian positions that Russians will be at, that blown up Russians tend to have  non blown up Russians firing all sorts of things like military forces in Tel Aviv and America.

The key in this has been how does Hezbollah defend against this massive Tel Aviv air bombing and helicopter strafing and that answer is Syria's Russian air defense. This then moves to Iran's long range missiles as before, and then there is that Russian positions all around the region. See this matters as those DC nitwits are committing undying support for Tel Aviv The United States starts bombing Russia allies and America is going to have allot of expensive bombers in pieces on the ground.

This is what world war looks like. What needs to be stressed is allot of Jews are going to be dead by starting this shit show, and what needs to be focused on is how lots  of Americans are not going to be dead in this shit show over what is about to be unleashed by the Jews.

Nuff Said
