Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Thee Amerikon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is going to ask you to use your brains. For the non donors that is going to be a stretch, but like all things now, the answers will follow so your handicap will not harm you in the short term, only the long as you will not remember anything in your 15 second brains.

Scifi American featured the above illustration and I'm asking you to tell me what is wrong with it. It features for the non donor brain, black areas were America land based nuclear  missiles are, so that part is correct.

Now comes the brain part, the hard part for lots of you as you have no idea the question to answer and impossible for the no donors as you are clueless to begin with.

Simple question though for you first. If your car was stolen, and was in a shed, would you call the police to tell them to look there, knowing that the carjackers saw you pressing 911, and moved the car, knowing the police were coming.

No trick questions, but I know some of you will have trouble with the question and the non donors will still be stuck on the part of what a shed is as they probably think it is vax shedding or something. So the correct answer is, if a shed is empty, of course you would not tell the police to go look there for your stolen car.

Now what does this have to do with 90% nuclear death in America, centered on the black zones of American land based missiles?

OK, story time as Margaret Richard used to say.

Let us say you are a Russian. You are a Russian who gives advice to President Vladimir Putin so you have to be correct in the Russian military that controls the Russian nuclear arsenal.

So you have land based SARMAT missiles, sea based cruise missiles and yes air based cruise missiles as you are careful in protecting Russia. You know America has these land based missiles. You know that there are two scenarios which will involve a nuclear war. America launches a surprise first strike or Russia launches a retaliatory surprise first strike for being hit with NATO WMD's first.

OK surprise question. As there are two nuclear war scenarios, do you think you would have two launch scenarios to deal with both situations? I know this will be confusing to non donors, but the answer to help you out is YES YOU WILL HAVE TWO LAUNCH SCENARIOS.

Why would you do that? OK, your missile detection sensors, see that America has launched part of it's thousands of nuclear warheads at Mother Russia. That means missiles are coming in and you have about 6 minutes to respond.

Here are some stats on the land based missiles.

Today's nuclear triad consists of: 14 ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) armed with 240 submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs); 400 land-based ...

Minot Air Force Base (AFB) in. North Dakota, with more than 800 bombs and cruise missiles for its. B-52 bombers and more than 400 warheads for its Minuteman III ...

OK, so we see that there are 400 Minuteman missiles basically, that is why you got that big black area on the illustration above in 3 locations. Scifi American like most look at this as a concentrated event for Russian strikes. Now appears the Lame Cherry, one of thee last nuclear warfare experts on planet earth, to remind you about that empty shed and your car.

So if you are a Russian leader, and you have 1549 active nuclear warheads in your arsenal, and you see that the District of Criminals has gone first launch, meaning the missiles are in the air, and the silos are empty.......are you going to waste 400 warheads in bombing empty silos?
There honestly is nothing in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota in these missile locations. That is why the Pentagon put them there, as there is nothing of value there. Small population,small towns, poor soil and cow turds. Now the preppers always tell idiots to move out there in a meltdown, but somehow neglect to mention besides HAARP killer storms, there are nuclear weapons which will follow in a weakened American meltdown position. You probably should not be listening to British prepper experts in Oz and England telling you to go to your storm and nuclear deaths.

I digress.

The answer for the non donors is that of course you are not going to use 400 warheads to blow up basically buffalo grass, a few cows, some Saxon Christians who do not want war with you in the first place and empty silos. If you were a thinking Russia in chess, you would instead use those 400 warheads to double  tap locations which are a threat or have populations that cut off from resources will turn in riotous Obama mobs eating each other and any police state that is left.

You would not bomb nothing with your nukes. You would bomb something which was a threat, like liberal metro areas or infrastructure, military and civilian.

Just remember that the Kremlin will double tap threats like they are in Ukraine with hypersonics if it is an American first strike. The Dead Man Switch which would go green in an American First Strike is the main option for the Kremlin as Russia is not going to strike first, and if Russia did, it would not be missile launches, it would be their Chinese and Russian pre positioned missiles and sabotage in making sure those silos do not launch.

So why the egg heads who get Mockingbird DIA money to make illustrations like the above with a nuke lust to kill Saxon Christians in the North Plains and Rocky Slope, in reality that black zone is the last place Russia will ever bomb as nothing is there. See that is Pentagon influencers trying to show Russia where it should waste almost 1/3rd of it's active arsenal. Russia thinks things out as Ukraine has proven, as Syria proved, as BRICS proved, so in knowing the Russian mind, they are not going to hit the black zones...........not as the Pentagon propaganda influence hopes.

As President Vladimir Putin noted, Russia has a special tidal wave cobalt hydrogen bomb. Cobalt when part of a hydrogen bomb detonation turns into a toxic version of Cobalt that is radioactive for 5 years and kills everything. Russia in being prudent will hit Minot, Omaha and whatever else like Fort Hood in Texas with Cobalt warheads, because they want that area contaminated to not be used again for a lustrum. 

Empty silos will not be re deployed to, as thee entire infrastructure will be eliminated in manufacture in a nuclear war, so where the deer and the antelope play will in logic not the place for Russia to waste resources. Hence the double tap in the real threats.

I would not be surprised if Russia and China on the old KGB and PLA doctrines have sown in numbers of small nukes in the entire command and control with auxiliary systems seeded too. These treacherous globalists have left America open, and in this world of concrete piercing, bunker busting, hypersonic things that Russian and Chinese operatives do not have thousands of these things in COSCO container, stationed in some ranch or whatever ready to hit command and control, and to decapitate SAC bombers as much as these silos.

The point of a nuclear war is winning it.The idiot focuses on exchanges which is a loss. The way one wins a nuclear war is to with conventional systems knock out the command and control, along with the silos before launch. It is not strategic to launch missiles to be picked up by NORAD, which will bring retaliation. The strategy is to launch conventional inside America where NORAD is not looking.

The Lame Cherry is not advocating any conflict. This popular girl is only educating you on the principles of nuclear warfare as they will be initiated and carried out. At this moment, even the non donors have perceived the above illustration is incorrect and stupid. That everything you were conditioned with in nuclear war was misinformation and those who were promoting it were either lying to you or flat brain shit for brains stupid.

At this point you have become educated a bit more. The black zones should be placed basically in a US shape on both coasts and borders as nothing is in the north. In that a nuclear attack is beneficial to Americans if 100% of the invaders were exterminated  and 66% of these woke and flat brains were eliminated, leaving the 33% of Americans alive to make peace and rebuild the land which they trustingly squandered. 

I knw from the Bavarian seers that Russia does not use first strike warfare. I know that Russia only uses nuclear weapons, off it's submarines off the America coast, when the Pentagon releases a toxic hybrid poison across Europe to stop a Russian invasion. The projections even in that are that Russia will not strike the deer and antelope, but will strike the BLACK U and yes, Cobalt spice appropriate threats.

Teacher must now rest for a bit as teaching non donors the facts of life is wearying as it is so obvious.

Nuff Said

Aug 22, 2020 ... Billy Squier - Facts of Life Off of the LP, 16 Strokes - The Best of Billy Squier Released by: Capitol Records, 1995 Produced by: Billy ...
