Monday, June 10, 2024

Vote 4 Six

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry wonders about the substance of threats by the Dump Campaign, to be retribution on those who weaponized the American Justice System

Some like Andrew McCabe are stating they are going to flee overseas or wherever if the DIA installs Donald Dump again. Just remember that el presidente Rubio is in the offing and the John the hero McCain protege who was there in the Mideast and in Ukraine setting up all that butchery, is not a Cuban to not be taken seriously.

“It’s terrifying. It’s frightening,” McCabe said.

“The former assistant director pointed to one of Trump’s rally quotes in which he claimed he will be ‘retribution’ for disenfranchised American voters, predicting that it will culminate in “really dismantling and greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and the FBI,” he added.

Let us just remember where this all began in the Holder Finding for Birther Hussein Obama.

U.S. Court Releases Obama Administration's 'Drone Memo' - NPR

Jun 23, 2014 ... Back in March 2012, Attorney General Eric Holder gave an outline of the legal reasoning behind drone strikes against Americans. He said those ...

While those like DIA Steve Bannon who looks like he is living in a Vatican  Shrine he counts his rosary too more than Muslims pray each day, say hunting these people will all be Constitutional, just remember that Obama droning Americans and blowing them to bits, was all Constitutionally legal.

Is that what the world is going to be viewing for 2025? Is this going to be the era of Trump Rubio Justice in droning Americans hiding out around the world the way Obama did?

For that matter, are those Russian warships in Cuba and nuclear submarines off American coasts and those long range nuclear bombers landing Cuba and remaining on station UNTIL AFTER THE AMERICAN ELECTIONS, is this a repeat of Czar Nicholas dispatching the Russian fleet in the American Civil War to make sure that Abraham Lincoln won the 1864 election.

The question is are drones going to be deployed for strikes on these officials and their families, like the Saddam Hussein boys ate two TOW missiles. Will this will be like Ashli Babbitt, unarmed, set up, but instead of a large Black armed police state officer gunning her down, but like the FBI was ordered by Bidencon to use lethal force at the Trump mansion, have a Drone Task Force, backed by the Eric Holder Courts, doing to these outlaw officials what J Edgar Hoover did to John Dillinger on the streets in a sort of SEAL bin Laden canoe skull justice.

Did Vladimir Putin send escort warships to ensure that American elections were not stolen again as they were for Abraham Lincoln in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord?

Just what form of Justice will appear in America in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said
