Sunday, June 23, 2024

Tolles Spiel, Indien

Parlez-vous Gun

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If there is upheaval in the world, you can always find the primate behind it was the Normans of London and the Ashkenaz bankers wherever they are clutching their 30 pieces of silver.

- Lame Cherry.

There has been a deliberate war against Europe, and it is not coming from Russia or Muslims. It is coming from the Norman Ashkenaz Neoyork claque who have destroyed their own cloth of the land Caucasian Anglos and Saxons in genocide policies aided by COVID bioweapons and invaders, they have targeted German industry and French whatever the French are good for under these Nazi sex deviants who have ruled the French since DeGaullle.

It is a war of chaos so London will rule in the Great Game as London whispers to the Jewish Kaganites that they too can saw off their pound of flesh from France and Germany.

If you ever see British press reports appearing in any story, this is MI6's version of Mockingbird fueling the fire. The claque has been whittling away the French empire in Africa, and having taken that away, is now in riot bringing down this sex deviant Manny Macron.

For the next sequence of events, both Germany and France will have these socialist weak fags on top, a military contingent loving war against Russia, and what is termed the Right attempting to hold things together in Parliament.

To put this plainly, the French socialists of Macron are finished as he blew up France to try and keep power. Now the Right is surging and it is the radical left which is the party moving to the front too.

Meet you on the other side.

It finally looks like enough French voters aren’t scared into denying Le Pen’s party the opportunity. The far-right label just doesn’t act as the kind of knee-jerk deterrent that it once did. And why should it? “France is on the brink of all-out civil conflict,” headlined Britain’s Telegraph. That has happened under Macron, not Le Pen, as he rammed through his establishment agenda piece by piece with his designated prime minister invoking Article 49.3 of the French Constitution to ram through legislation without a vote at least 23 times, totally overriding the democratic process

This is by design of the group who has these front stooge convinced they are running the show. This is Great Game India, but with a Sachs accent, Tolles Spiel, Indien.

This is America pinned down for removal. This is the Pentagon thinking it can fight and win a 5 front war and win. This is the Feureradler rising in Biblical proportions, and a world population so filled with revulsion that it will welcome the stripping of Manny Macron politically naked and making him bend at the waist in political oblivion while the true progenitor rises in the 10 nation Confederation of Europe

All this weak Neo Socialist clap is there so a strong leader can surge forward as Adolf Hitler accomplished with less than majority support. Manny Macron is the sex deviant version of Chancellor von Hindenberg.

There is someone who is coming who will make the clocks run on time.

This propaganda peace summit in Switzerland had one purpose, to make certain that Moscow starts this coming war. Telling Moscow it is the Kaiser's Berlin and will be bankrupted by war reparations and have it's lands all seized is not going to pacify the Kremlin. It was meant to drive this war forward in threat, which weakens Macron and Stolz and NATO and the fire bird appears.

Now that you have a peek at the future, it is time for me to fly.

Nuff Said
