Sunday, June 23, 2024

Adenochrome has it's Limits


baQa', 'ach nongqa' 'e' vIQoy. Qo'noSDaq tlhIngan wo'

I am Bidenwarf. Dictator of Klingon Empire Earth

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was just musing when old Hillary Clinton was falling down like Joe Biden and about coughing up a lung in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, if someone who was setting this all up for this shitfest we are sufering through actually used some advanced chemical agents to give the old girl health problems as she certainly is back to the old Hamrod ever since.

The reason for this musing is that we have known for sometime that Dictator Biden had the election stolen for him in mail fraud, and image Obama has been setting the global genocide agenda for his elders, and in that there are odd things coming out of Bidencon, after his angry old man appearance in the State of the Union, that if Biden appears as himself in the Trump Biden talkfest (This is not a debate as the mics are turned off and it is more shielding two old white guys) and people get to see what a geezer he is, he will not accept the nomination from the DNC.

Biden May Decline Democratic Nomination If He
Does Poorly In Upcoming Debate - Hersh

Biden Haemorrhaging Voters In All Demographics
Women's Support At 20-Year-Low

Fox Poll Shows Biden Ahead Of Trump By 2 Pts!
It’s All Lies And Scripted Deceit - America Is Lost
How Can ANYONE Take The Biden Fraud Seriously?

This is telling in image Obama with Jimmy Kimmel netting Dictator Joe 50 million in California, had to leave geezer Biden off stage as he was lost in the limelight again. It is not secret that Obama Inc wants Big Mike in the race. It is no secret that the Congressional democrats want Biden gone as no one is going to vote for him now, no more than in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

For this kind of rhetoric coming out of the Biden camp means only one conclusion. That is the Adenochrome elixir that has been pumped into these geezers is not working any more. Pedo Joe was pumped up on speed which is a remedy for senility for the State of the Union, and that rage might have burned the old guy out, as something is going on in the inside. It might be orders to tamper with the Biden meds so the real Joe appears for the geezer he is, but for this kind of DIA statements to be making it public where a campaign is admitting to the 300 pound gorilla in the room that Biden is failing is the point that something is wrong with Joe Biden for which there is not any baby blood serum remedy any more.

Veterans Today floated that Governor Whitmer of Michigan is the person who will appear as she will accept the DIA candidate of Donald Trump being installed. That makes reasonable sense as Governor China of California would want to move up to the winning ticket and not be the guy who ran and lost. Newsome is an insider, so he does not have to fall on swords to preen in front of George Clooney.

As the Lame Cherry is out of politics, these fraud elections are something I stay out of, and I tell people to not get involved in this for more FBI data collecting of the stupid things you post. My interest in this is scientific, in the reality, that there is a limit to all this Adenochrome and regeneration machinations in this Fountain of Youth stuff. In examining this, Joe Biden has had Parkinsons for a number of years. He has brain damage, which is why he fixated on children and is always sniffing them in obsesssion. We remember Joe Biden when he was the plagiarist democrartic candidate in the not to bright Irish mic, but he was eager to be charming. In 2020, we saw a Biden who was entering senility. He did not campaign but he made it through as an old man. Since then though he has been falling down stairs, shitting himself at meetings, wandering around lost, not being able to read teleprompters with directions, and yes the cue cards he had 2 years ago have disappeared too. He is degrading with the most pseudo science treatments and it is become a problem for long term viewing for a debate.

Joe Biden seems to be able to have meetings. He can be pumped up with speed and Adenochrome for that, for outings where he is photographed. It apparently does not take a great deal of effort to look smarter than Zellinskyy of Ukraine as that Jew is a prop often enough. Otherwise Joe Biden has a huge memory problem. He starts making claims like he wrote Patriot Act recently which was the work of Senator Gary Hart. It is one thing to give a speech. It is another to respond to Donald Trump.

In that Joe Biden has been able to sit through briefings with his staff, simply laying out options as in bombing Russia with limitations, and making a decision on that or noting who is making fun of him while he is in the room. Beyond though the slow geezer on the bus, processing information slowly, Joe Biden is like all old people in it takes awhile for him to "get things" and he likes sleeping as a vocation.

So it will be interesting to see what the experiment of Joe Biden appears in the debate. I'm not wasting my time watching or studying him as I have more important things to do. I will note what others who get off on this stuff are saying, but the interest in this is the limits of treatments for a quite injured and sick old man. Not even stand ins are able now to prop up Joe Biden.

It is the point in what is coming, that Obama Inc and democrats just want to dump this klusterfuck onto Donald Trump and el presidene Rubio. America is facing nuclear war. America has an invasion civil war coming in the ghettos. America is bankrupt. America has a huge Tel Aviv problem. It is better to dump this into those GOPliters in Congress' hands, have the Black Robes try and give this protective cover of keeping the lid on, and the FBI will not be taxed beyond it's limits in hunting down Americans from Jan6 or Gaza protesters or the myriads of 5th column terrorists about to be unleashed over DC policy.

Obama destruction  of America is complete. Let Trump and the Cubano deal with the disaster and get blamed, and throw another election where some China Governor from California is the new dictator.

We will see if there really was a Ponce de Leon fiction in this debate........for those who watch.

Nuff Said

