Tuesday, June 4, 2024

You are on Your Own


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm not posting this as fear porn, but as your parent in telling their children, that the things you trusted in are no longer there. America is gone. I told you that a decade ago. You are the target of this regime. As General Patton knew in the 1930's that  big war was coming, you should know that the Great Eurasian War is coming and you are going to have to fend for yourself. You are going to have to keep a low profile and hide your children and grandchildren. You are going to have to be self sufficient. You are going to have to know how to figure things out in Inspiration as services will not be there or you will not be able to afford them.

PCC noted that Donald Dump informed his wealthy donors he would have nuked Moscow and Peking over Taiwan and Ukraine, exposes the shortsightedness in Donald sex pot Trump is no John Kennedy when it comes to comprehending that lighting fuses makes them go nuclear when you attack nuclear armed powers.

So you observe the laws and pay your taxes as you do not want the regime displacing you or putting you into prison. Prison is not fun, especially when all the guards are gone due to nuclear war and you are in a prison with radioactive fall out. You should be liberated really from the ties to a fake nation and all this immorality in not having to prop it up or make excuses for it. That should be your mindset in Christ.

Trump campaign donors report that Trump told them he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if they’d attacked Ukraine and Taiwan on his watch. https://www.rt.com/news/598373-trump-bomb-moscow-beijing/

There is now ingrained a nuclear madness in the western installment puppets, a western abortion of nations by design. It is the way of the cartel ridding nation states or guild rule. You can not stop this, it is here. This is  the realm of Christ and your focus is God and moving through this effectively so you do not become a Darwin for the people who you think you can trust around you, who are going to Nuke Fever Nuts, and get themselves and you killed.

How US is Flirting With Idea of ‘Limited’ Nuclear Conflict With Russia and China

Poland Okays Its Weapons to Be Used by Ukraine for Strikes on Russia

Minsk Forced to Suspend CFE Treaty to Ensure National Security

European countries back to discussing compulsory military conscription

We are in the end times slot. There is no doubt about this in this situation. I realize this is like waiting around for the dentist for a broken tooth as she is gone over Christmas until Valentine's Day, but the wait is what it is. Nothing can be done about this, except to occupy your time in productive ways and build your bridges to pleasant things which will settle you down emotionally.

Get your prepping rechecked. Get your Plan B and C addressed. Run through the things you do not want to face like maybe a black bucket with a shower hose, so you can shower if you do not have water pressure or  electric for the water heater.

What is taking place is not what one person in Europe or America wants who is normal. No one should be talking war with Russia or China, bombing them, limited nuclear wars or the thought of nuclear war period. It is what it is. It can not be changed in this satanic madness. You are on your own and the more adjusted you come to this, the less panic and uncertainty you will have to deal with, when you need to deal with other issues.

Nuff Said
