Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Guerre de Plume

 Madame Nuclear Nipples 2024

June 6 will be a landmark day for the whole of Europe. France will officially make the first announcement of sending military personnel from a European/NATO state to Ukrainian territory.

The Ukrainian president, Zelensy, whose legal term of Office is expired since May 21, is to attend commemorations for the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy (WW2)  on June 6, French President Emmanuel Macron said.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears in the Trump WWE election theater that we are all being dragged to another Woody Wilson and Frank Roosevelt world war, which like American Hero Charles Lindbergh, destroyed by the Frank, no one wants.

June 6th with that Ashkejew dwarf from Kiev pooping in France, will see the French Napoleon Dynamite make it official that Europe is at war with Russia.

Others in economic circles are pondering if September 1st will be the date of his war starting due to American politics and economic collapse in the West.

Meet you on the other side.

Our staff in Germany have personally confirmed that a friend who is 59 years old was just drafted. Throughout Europe, the draft age will be up to 60 and that is coming to the USA no matter what BS the press tells you. They also intend to draft girls this time.

Whether we want this or not, this is what is going to mass murder all of us. The Lame Cherry does it's best to run projections, and to leave you not feeling like you are just sitting there like non donors, waiting to be vaporized, there are two things which should be done.......one you can attempt.

You must realize that the Jews again, like in other  national overthrows are the front men for this, while the real powers are maneuvering behind this as the Jews think they are in charge. What is taking place in Europe is by design to topple the regimes there and set up a 10 nation Confederation, just like the Bible predicts. That is the basis of all of this in the Meisterkrieg. They for their own reasoning will at least stop this war from taking place in the near future, as they project power through peace into other theaters.

Now that you know the backdrop of this, meet me on the other side.

France’s Macron To Announce Europe Is At War
With Russia On June 6

Massive Anti-War Rally - Clock Ticking To WW3 With Russia

Dive For Cover - First NATO Troops Deployed To Ukraine

One Red Line Too Many - Video

Stoltenberg Shrugs Off Putin’s Warnings About NATO
Weapons Striking Targets Inside Russia - Insanity

Biden 'Understands Consequences' Of Allowing Strikes
In Russia Says Kirby - It Means WW3

World War 3 By 1st Week Of September 2024?

We must be concerned about the 1st week of September both domestically as well as internationally. Even the Telegraph Newspaper wrote about the Trump verdic

NATO Flirting With War And Extinction In Ukraine

Houthis Fire Barrage Of Drones, Missiles At Ships
Including US Destroyer And Carrier ‘Ike'

Fraud? No New Stories In 2 Days…What’s Going On? - Video Houthis Claim Of Hitting USS Eisenhower Real Or CGI? Is Russia Behind The Hit In Response To 2 Nuclear Warning Radars Knocked Out? First Ship Hit In Video Is A Destroyer, 2nd Ship May Be Carrier Note The Likely Destroyer Escort Behind And To Left Of ‘Carrier’

Navy Eisenhower Carrier Group’s Deployment In The Red Sea
Said Extended - The Ike And Three Other Ships Will Remain
Operating Near Yemen As Attacks By The Houthis Continue.

The World's Largest Armies In 2024

Pentagon Seeks Books On Russian Military Strategy

The Lame Cherry will address the two things which can be done. The  first has  nothing to do with you.

There are protests taking place in Europe by design. The Kremlin can assist those protests by creating body counts of these French and other expeditionary forces, meaning it must be a priority for Russia to find, kill and take possession of the body counts. Then through their Ambassadors in the host nations, hold public press conferences, stating Russia desires to return these body bags, by flying in their own transports for a public transfer with the Red Cross, so those families can bury their dead and not have this all covered up.

European mothers would be key to stopping this war for now and rally nations in these body bags.

What an American can do, is to contact your local Representatives and politicians of like mind, and explain that Americans are again being dragged into a war they do not want, and we are all nuclear targets. Request that like Hungary has special NATO status, that your county, your state vote, even a symbolic resolution to be non combatants, and send this declaration to the Russian government. At least Russia will comprehend that your area is  not promoting world war and they may adjust their targeting.

All of this is to delay this war. Russia will have to defend itself against these F 16 platforms, and will have to strike inside Romania and Poland, but if Russia understands it can absorb and delay, to give the Meisterkrieg the room to establish their 5th Reich, then 6 months is 6 months closer to Jesus coming back, and 6 months that all of us are not shitting blood from nuclear fallout.

Yes it is easier to text and whine and pretend you are doing something, but if enough people pass resolutions for non combatant status, then this will shift to the time required to save more lives.

Nuff  Said

