Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Nation which Hopes on God's Mercy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before the American Civil War was fostered, there were firebrands in the Abolitionists burning the Constitution and firebrands in the South stirring up the educated class using the maxim that UNITED could be written as easy as UNTIED.

In the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, there are things I could write which are analysis which would be exclusives, but I will not fan the flames of this, because the fact is, that if Donald Trump had not just turned his head and pointed to the right, that bullet of many would have destroyed his brain connection to his brain stem. The ear wound, if it had been one inch to the right as he faced the shooter, would have ended Donald Trump like John Kennedy.

I beseech the people on the left to not repeat the rhetoric of gloating, saying awful things, and to simply condemn this act, to not use it for gun control or other chosen pointy sticks to inflict on the right.

These headlines on Drudge which preceded this are out of bounds in the smearing of a group of Americans who were under gunfire in Pennsylvania where they should have been safe. The nature of the political climate has changed and no more Ashli Babbitts will be accepted.

The left should understand this change as there now burns retribution and reckoning in this group of supporters and if the police state prods them, an underground of millions will appear overnight as focused that which is protecting the border invasion.

Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Pursue Plans to Contest Trump Defeat...

Christian extremists use scripture to justify violent goals...

For those on the right, do not be baited by this or anyone. Do not get yourself into trouble, as this is a powder keg in a literal reality now, in a most overused term. What took place was the last thing which America needed like John Brown. Allow this fraud election cycle to proceed. Understand whoever this shooter was, they are dead. Understand that Donald Trump, rising up like a phoenix and shaking his fist in the air is a political defining moment greater than George W. Bush telling Americans, "I hear you and soon the terrorists will hear all of us". Donald Trump just got a 20 point rise in the polls by this heinous act. Donald Trump will have a 50% suppression of "the man on the street rhetoric against him", by this heinous act.

By this heinous act, even democrats who have endlessly plays this police state beat Americans to death on Jan6, shoot LaVoy Finnicum to death in the snow and burn up children in Waco, are understanding that tampering with this election, hunting down more Americans on the right, has an electorate which is not going to accept any outcome, they do not judge fair.

Intimidation only works when people have things to lose. Ashli Babbitt gunned down and termed kosher, Rosann Boyland who was beat to death by police with a stick and now Donald Trump shot before all of our eyes, has changed all, because the followers were murdered and deemed legal, but the jury out there has been shown that their leader about joined the ages, and they all will be next. If a civil outbreak is designed and set in motion, the police state only needs now to start roughing up and shooting more people and this alliance will form in a network of tens of millions, and sooner or later they will ally with foreigners to gain the edge just as George Washington and the Continentals did.

America's allies and enemies will seek to exploit this to finish off tearing this country apart, started by America's allies and enemies. None of us should be engaged in anything which will assist this as it is against all of us.

As I doubt anyone on the left has character enough to behave, then that falls to the people on the right to conduct themselves as Americans. Now is the time to  remain calm and embrace the better angels of our natures. For what is coming, all of us are going to have more than enough opportunity to experience all the violence and death, as Americans did in the Civil War, and those Americans never wanted any part of it again.

None of us deserve it, but we need to pray for God's intervention for a nation no longer calling itself His, but a remnant who turns to God and hopes on His Mercy.

I pray that enough people from Donald Trump to Joe Biden act like Americans as this begins with each one of us, and this looks literally like the end of each of us, if enough of us do not lead by example and start behaving as Americans.

Nuff Said
