Saturday, July 13, 2024

Joe Biden is Legally Blind

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the tourists have shown up admitting what was posted here long ago that Dictator Biden has Parkinsons Disease,  there was something Alex Jones featured which, as I have not been paying attention to this, was disturbing. It is the photo above and you can replay it, in Joe Biden can not negotiate a simple decline or step in the floor.

If you watch the ABC minder, they are standing there knowing this in having witnessed this before. There are reports Biden has cheat cards, with pictures of stages, podiums etc... too provide him visuals of places he appears at and this is all beginning to make a great deal more sense in what is going on with Joe Biden really.

Joe Biden has mobility issues, as he is an old man. He has problems sitting down and he has problems taking steps and falling down. The Dictator is often jacked up on speed as this treats Parkinsons. It is why his eyes look black as they pupils are dilated.  This though in Biden's right leg being forced at an angle forward, feeling for a step or decline, is his depth perception has degraded. In most cases he can go up an down steps as this is a constant and in daylight. When though in a darkened studio and with his deteriorated vision, he can not negotiate a step down. If he tried as his wife Jill did, he would have fallen face forward even with being held by her. The ABC minder fully expected Biden to fall on his face by his blocking action.

How Parkinson's Disease Can Impact Your Vision

Feb 16, 2022 ... Binocular vision dysfunction can affect your depth perception, as well. That, in turn, may exacerbate any balance problems you have from ...

What this translates into, is  the oddity of Biden in having teleprompters and making mistakes. The reason is, even with contacts, he can not see a teleprompter or more precisely his vision does not adjust from distance to short distance. Joe Biden is legally blind by the evidence presented in this short clip. He can bee line to the CIA stooges like Jake Tapper by a table and do fine as you can see he is like a 2 year old running for candy. The bullshit of he was tired, he had a cold, does not match the fast shuffle to the stooges.

What you witnessed with Joe Biden in the debate was Joe Biden at his functional maximum.What his worst case is, has been reported in New York Mag in a fine report there in Biden is cool to the touch, even in a hot room. His heart is not capable of proper circulation, he has age related issues in mind, body and memory, he has brain damage and into this growing list, Joe Biden is legally blind due to Parkinsons.

He would never be issued a driver's license as he can not see, and his feet could not work the brake and gas pedal.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
