Tuesday, July 23, 2024

About that 200 Yard Shooter who Shot Donald Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has a bit of an exclusive here, which began with researching some data that an unknown person had frequently visited the residence of the Trump shooter Thomas Crooks. The reporting further linked this to a location frequented by this person in the Gallery area of Washington DC where an FBI office had been located.

The Lame Cherry provides the comparing maps below.

The Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusive states at this point for those who are reading this and not thinking they know everything, that the following information will ignite a world war.

Meet you on the other side.

Investigators have found that an unknown person who made regular visits to would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crook’s home and workplace also visited the site of an FBI office in Washington D.C. before the assassination attempt at the Butler Park rally.

As I never just take other people's work as there is no sense in reposting what you can read elsewhere the Lame Cherry began what the popular girl always does in analysis in comparing source data to see what I will be Inspired to see.

When I looked at the Gallery Place which is the Gallery Mall in the same block, I noticed something odd in the signs in the area. As this is world war, we will let the suspense build.

As one can see by the above photo in this article, there is a Chinese girl in the photo and the Gallery Place is written in the Chinese language. If you go to Google Maps, you will find that this entire area is Chinese businesses and labeled CHINATOWN.

The reason this matters in a Donald Trump attempted assassination in the Obama shift to the Pacific is that the New York Post immediately as the Trump assassination story was broken, reported and has been filleted by that story, THAT THE ASSASSIN WAS CHINESE.

Yahoo CIA has been in on this castigation of the New York Post along with the anti Chinese defamation fronts funded out of Peking.

I will meet you on the other side for the New York Post reality in this .

New York Post criticized for misreporting Trump shooter as 'Chinese ...

Jul 15, 2024 ... Source] The New York Post is facing criticism for inaccurately reporting that a shooter involved in an assassination attempt on former ...

Read exactly the story that the Post broke. The shooter was IDENTIFIED. Identified means the shooter's body was in custody as law enforcement saw this person.

Now read the damning information. The Chinese sniper was SEVERAL HUNDRED YARDS AWAY FROM DONALD TRUMP. Thomas Crooks was barely 50 yards away. That kind of information is too exact to be wrong. The Post broke a story from law enforcement that there was a Chinese sniper, several hundred yards away who was dead.

When one links the evidence of one or two other people were visiting Crooks, in the one phone went silent on July 12th, and the other was moving from Bethel PA to Washington DC, into Chinatown, there is now the definite reality that Thomas Crooks had contacts who were grooming him for his premier, and by the evidence they were Chinese operating out of Washington DC, in full liaison with the Chinese Embassy.

Understand that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, with Hunter Biden were Peking's people in America. Biden sold US oil reserves when prices spiked to bribe China against Russia. Governor Gavin Newsome for Dictator Biden was pricking around in China at the height of the Ukraine war to alienate Russia.

There have been two fringe diversions in this assassination pointing to Iran and hints of European or Ukraine contacts, but this now all looks like the DIA laying a false trail and Mosaad trying to get America into a war with Iran.

Meet you on the other side.

You will remember Eric Holder's Boston Blow Job in which North Korea was behind it and outsmarted Obama Inc. and the DOJ had to frame those Chechens. What we have here looks to be the same situation.

The Secret Service was on orders to leave openings at PA. Crooks was not acting alone, but appears to be a willing front man who logically must have thought he was not going to get his head blown off for his premier with history.
This does get more complicated as the Chinese sniper apparently was the one who was supposed to take out Donald Trump, so Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be installed again.

It appears now that the shooter from the Lodge may have been the China location or a yet undiscovered location, as some group with access to this Chinese led plot moved to hide the Chinese and create a multiple shooter conspiracy, as we have a shooter hitting the derrick, another shooter firing down the bleacher line and wounding people, and two witnesses looking at a shot they heard toward derricks directly in front of Mr Trump. There appear to have been 4 to 5 shooters, and with the confirmation of the Chinese shooter, that brings it to 6.

The Lame Cherry featured a PA media story which made no sense in it spoke of two motorcycle cops who were reassigned, but injured. The local cops were in that 200 yard zone. Perhaps that is where they were injured and this Chinese was shot dead.

What the above points to though is a massive intelligence silencing of the Post story in ridicule to impugn it. There has been little information released, except some leaks like the visitor to the Crook's home, as there are those who know this was not as it is being portrayed and there are those, and that is the FBI who has been far too silent, punting this to 60 days away, when this all looks like Peking found a deluded patsy, sent in their own shooter to make certain Biden Harris was installed again and to make America to riot.
Whatever these other shooters were engaged in, not shooting at Donald Trump and blasting Americans in the stands, is still puzzling but was cover for what was taking place, and that means with other shooters given positions there was prior knowledge to all of this.

Included in this is this Goggle Maps (Google is now directing the AI to another location) in which an unobstructed view of the Trump location could be found.

The red line is Crooks position

The yellow is the claimed position of the water tower.

There are two locations though, elevated in the Post's 200 yard statement of 200 to 300 yards, which do not seem to have trees blocking the view. I'm not going to state these locations as the owners do not need to be bothered. It is  a point though that there are, like the resident who stated a shooter was on a home roof, and one was found to the right of Donald Trump, that if a nation was looking to set up a patsy, would need a shooter at the same approximate angle, and the green and blue line show those platforms do exist.

All of this is public information which does match up.

If  this exclusive breaks through to the public understanding, it will be war with communist China. It will be the end of the Harris campaign. This was a state sponsored assassination, equal to John Wilkes Booth with the Confederacy and European pawn brokers in murdering Abraham Lincoln.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

FBI Pressure Washing Off ALL The Evidence From
Roof And Vents Of The 'Crooks Building' 3 Days
After The Shooting! Talk About A Coverup Of A
Major Federal Crime Scene! Posted 7-16-24

The FBI and no law enforcement are ever involved in custodial duties.

Nuff Said
