Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Trump Jewish Schism with a Ziolothic Vance

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Everyone of you missed the meaning of the above photo of Donald Trump and John Vance while being baited into the Pro Jew Lobby stance of the Wailing Wall.

Let a Levite explain to you my children and brats what a black Jew skull cap and a white Jew skull cap mean, as there is a divide, a schism in Trump Vance.

Why is Donald Trump in a black skull cap and John Vance is in a white skull cap? The answer is below and tells you the Trump Vane House is divided.

Among Israeli men who say they usually wear a large black fabric kippa, a majority identify as Haredi (also known as ultra-Orthodox) Jews (58%). By contrast, most of those who wear a black crocheted or knitted kippa (59%) say they are Masorti (“traditional”) Jews. 

The data support such an association. Among men who wear colored or patterned knitted kippot, a majority (63%) say the term “Zionist” describes them very accurately. By contrast, most of those who wear a large black fabric kippa (58%) say the “Zionist” label does not describe them accurately; this group is made up largely of Haredim, some of whom have long been ambivalent about the Jewish state.

Majorities of those who wear a colored or patterned knitted or crocheted kippa agree with the statement “Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel” (65%) and say peaceful coexistence for Israel and an independent Palestinian state is not possible (58%). Likewise, about seven-in-ten men who wear a black crocheted kippa agree that Arabs should be expelled or transferred, including 45% who strongly agree. And fully three-quarters of those who wear a black crocheted kippa (75%) say a two-state solution is not possible.

So in the above, Donald Trump is a traditional Jew in scope who want a quick slaughter of Muslims while John Vance is a Zionist who agrees with the idea of the genocide of Muslims.

We see in the below photos that daughter Ivanka is a traditional Jew like her father, but notice Mr. Abraham Peace Accords in Jared Kushner is a Zionist and is not a two state solution supporter, so he agrees with his bed partner Bibi Netanyahu in the holocaust of Gaza.

The Trumps are telling us that they desire a dominant Tel Aviv solution  Vance and Kushner are telling us they want to nuke Iran and everyone else in the Mideast for Tel Aviv.

You need to be reminded it was Trump Kushner who put US troops under direct Tel Aviv control.

Ultra Zionist Tool Speaker Mike Johnson Threatens
To ARREST Any Member Of Congress Who Dares
To Interrupt Netanyahu’s Speech To Congress!

Nuff Said
