Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Big Mike Deuce


US elections: Obama wows Berlin crowd with historic speech

Jul 24, 2008 ... US elections: Obama wows Berlin crowd with historic speech ... For the man who has brought rock-star charisma to electoral politics, today saw the ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog told you the Birther was an inside joke, an FU to thee Americans. I will not explain allot here, but post some quotes and a repeat of the reality that no one is daring to repeat, and that none of you really comprehend, that when I told you Obama ordered Timothy Geithner to open the Treasury money supply to STABILIZE THE CHAOTIC STOCK MARKETS, the US Treasure in the Federal Reserve bought up controlling interests in all the US conglomerates.

Karl Rove had begun the process by the hedgefund controllers to funnel money into these international socialist uniparty control of America.

Under Biden.......all these conglomerates went woke in an insane loss of money.

Jeff Rense was told that the plug was going to be pulled on America. It has been deliberately in looting America of everything and erasing the German Israelite Christian with these Jesuit vermin of the 3rd world.

The very system that Bushfam put into play to create a Nazi control of all of America, was instituted by the genius of German economic feuhrer Martin Bormann. Exact replica.

Martin Bormann 

Alried Krupp

IG Farben - Wall Street invention 

Dr.Scheidt, meeting in France. German corporations ordered to turn over all foreign cash reserves and assets. (The war is lost, but will continue until the objectives are met.) In return for this, the party will finance these corporations after the war and own you.

Set up research bureaus, not connected to your companies or the party. This controls the post World War II economy of Europe. This in German gold financing and technology creates the post war American superpower, to take control of this system.

The order from Bormann were to move blueprints, staff, out of Germany 750 dummie corporations

Krupp left his corporation under the direction of Hermann Abs, Deutsch Bank, the lynchpin of continent wide plunder of Europe during the war.

Allies arrested him, but let him go.

In 1953 he negotiated the restitution to Israel and individual Jews for the Holocaust.

By 1938, when the expropriation of Jewish-owned property and businesses became public policy, the bank had assisted in the forced transfer of 330 companies from Jewish to Aryan ownership.

The two enemies of the Reich would be offered the lesser weapons and guiding hands to steer a cold war for the profit command and control for the 4th Reich to position for the 5th.

There is method to this madness as the Reich utilized the Elders for ghetto concentrated labor for the war effort. In this, the Meisterkrieg, created a front to obscure their presence behind the Schiff and Rothschild guild of Anglo American finance.

"Dr. Scheid" is based on a real person, Johann Friedrich Scheid, director of HESCHO A.G., a company that made ceramic insulators and is now known as KWH. Scheid was an innovator in the field of industrial productivity and received an honorary doctorate of engineering.

 Scheid himself was captured by the Soviets when the Red Army arrived in Hermsdorf, and was arrested but quickly released and restored as director of the factory, now under Communist rule.

.. the alleged civilian chairman of the meeting, a Dr. Schied, was indeed a ceramic industrialist and leading official in Albert Speer's ministry, but he would have been a poor choice of an individual who could have brought the SS into the plan. Having experienced immense difficulty himself in obtaining membership in the Nazi Party, he never even became a member of the SS. https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.p ... Rm47oEN9Qk

The Meisterkrieg are in process pulling down the community EU system, to establish their flame again on the 10. This is the Fire Eagle.

The Feueradler will rise from the ashes.

The Phoenix is also an alchemical symbol. It represents the changes during chemical reactions and progression through colors, properties of matter, and has to do with the steps of alchemy in the making of the Great Work, or the Philosopher's Stone..

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
