Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Force Amplification

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One reason I enjoy AI, is often it looks like an electronic Shiztoid mind. I entered for this article, Sexy Atomic Bomb, and the AI generated the image above. I honestly could not come up with this image above, in a boob atomic symbol hat for a woman.Where this came from is like a bad acid trip and it just defies Forensic Psychology, but it is a great deal like most of science in the world today, telling us weird things like we are from monkeys with no missing links, and they think they are brilliant in this asstard shit.

As one of the last nuclear warfare experts, I miss having minds to discuss theory with as Father Neutron was the type of mind one could expand thought processes in coming up with ideas which seemed impossible.

That is what had me thinking recently of the Russian Tidal Wave Hydrogen Torpedo. Immediately the West discounted it, like the skirts in the West as was covered here said Russian Hypersonic Weapons did not exist. There are so many shit for brains in the West that no one can take them serious. I take the Russians very serious, as they built a huge cobalt tidal wave bomb to eliminate ports for 5 years in radioactive poisoning, containing the radiation and not allowing it to pollute the atmosphere. That is atomic genius as it open the Catch 22 of "It was a wave that washed London out to sea, not an atomic bomb", so how can you respond with a nuclear weapon?

What this white paper will discuss is something I have been discussing with myself in private conversation, based on Russian actions. It may be that the home of the liquid fire of hydrogen bombs, belongs best utilized in water, and not in the air.

A tsuami is caused not by an earthquake, but a landslide off a mountain under the ocean displacing water. They are remarkable as the slide is not that fast, and yet in force amplification,  that displacement moves a wave at hundreds of miles an hour.

As the Lame Cherry has quoted a few times, in mining, if you place dynamite or whatever on a rock, the rock directs the force up and away. Put a clay pack on the explosive and it forces the blast energy into the rock and destroys the rock. That is really a paradigm as a small gob of clay will  force energy into a much bigger object and shatter it, while being pulverized itself.

That then is the Lame Cherry theory of nuclear energy. Should it not be possible to construct a concrete bunker as a type of directional gun with the earth as the backing to force a greater concentration of energy out and away from ground zero?
Yes is the answer and it is why  Hiroshima was chosen  as it was surrounded by hills to force the energy of the blast into this container for maximum damage. As atomic bombs are heat, the force naturally goes up to the air in the path of least resistance.

What if though...........

Yes the popular girl made poor orphan has this tsunami theory. The Bavarian seers saw a tidal wave caused by a bomb flooding Italy. What if to generate more directional force amplification, one could use Crete or whatever as a backing? The atomic blast would be contained against the submerged island, and the least resistance would be the water, and it would push an even more amplified wave toward Ital in force projection.

What if we play around with this and there is not Crete off of London. Yes there is France, but what if in theory there is another force amplification possible? What if Russia loaded a hydrogen bomb on a hypersonic rocket, and that rocket's warhead was designed like a torpedo to run on impact however many feet below the surface and then detonate, where it would carry that hypersonic speed toward the Thames and with it, the force amplification of directional speed.

There are questions in this, in the warhead may not survive the water impact as water is quite solid at high speeds. Then there is the question if this was just a subsonic missile, would that speed not be enough as the idea is to get the energy moving to the Thames and the force energy of the detonation would not require high speeds to amplify that type of destructive energy, as it is a hydrogen bomb after all.

It may be a Russian air launched or ship launched heavy torpedo, moving at 100 mph as these new big boys travel at, and that would be all which was required to get that force moving forward.

There was an interesting treatise on a like subject by a Civil War prisoner as there was great debate and scientific with existential experience of exploding artillery shells, actually not harming people under the detonation, providing the canister was moving forward as that is where the energy was projected.

I doubt that DARPA is going to allow this popular girl a couple dozen nukes to experiment with, to environmentally cleanse some shit holes in ocean front in America and elsewhere. I even doubt they would let me play with their AI to run projections, but what good would those software projections be as the above boob atomic symbol hat is not exactly science in action, but the figurative.

I do believe that water is the best medium for hydrogen bombs to transfer energy to the maximum with force amplification. This would be more enjoyable if Mr. Sam was still around to not just say something would not work, but provide insights in how it would work and perhaps something else more devastating which popular girl theories would inspire his mind.

The Lame Cherry atomic data brings the conclusion that in a nuclear war, the ocean and sea should be thee attack venue as most of the population, therefore, most of the military bases and ports are in this venue. This vista also houses most of the industrial capability.  Logic dictates that dropping tactical and strategic atomic and hydrogen bombs on interior locations is a waste of resource. Water should be the medium of choice in order to absorb nuclear fallout and make it instead nuclear washout. The addition of cobalt into hydrogen bombs makes a super half life radioactive poison of 5 years. With all the cell phones and batteries this cobalt already available in metro dictatorships will amplify the poison.

Is it true that most of the Earth's population lives on or near a ... - Quora

May 6, 2024 ... Approxiamately 80% live within 500 miles of the Pacific Ocean. That is a small part of the world population which is 8 billion people. However, ...

Only 15% of the world's coastlines remain in their natural state

Feb 15, 2022 ... almost three-quarters of the world's population live near the sea. ... The team say coastal regions are some of the most biodiverse and ...

Ripple Effects: Population and Coastal Regions | PRB

Today, approximately 3 billion people — about half of the world's population — live within 200 kilometers of a coastline. By 2025, that figure is likely to ...

It is a matter of Lame Cherry projections. A hydrogen bomb detonated over Omaha Nebraska has a 150 mile threat zone. Place that same  detonation to create a 1500  foot wave into San Francisco Bay and that cobalt wave would be like Noah's deluge in the old days. In the map below, one could with proper DARPA computer projections calculate how much water would be required to turn the inards of that heathen state to an inland ocean.

In doing a quick projection on this in the above, the Samuel Cohen bantering of ideas produces a like DARPA scenario which seems obvious in this nautical force amplification. No advocacy in any of this, but only a teaching challenge of theory.

In the illustration below, what if DARPA would detonate 3 tidal wave devices outside the Bay as the Bay does not have enough water, as in studying the map, the interior is huge and a tidal wave would be neutralized, like trying to drown yourself in a cup of water.

What if though there were 3 precursor devices to drain the Bay inland. This would be timed due to the inland flow and then outflow,  so that the outliers would generate in positions 2, to get the water wave moving and be amplified by the dry hole of the Bay as outer water would be pulled into that depression.

Position 3 devices would be in sequence in order to push more water into the basin, the focal point the Bay, and not allowing the wave to spread out.

In essence there would be 3 massive waves, each building large with volumes of water, following before a backwash would be generated through gravity. This theory would then flood the interior were Mt. Shasta to Death Valley could be ocean front property for awhile, and in the dehydration form lovely salt fields for commercial markets as everyone likes sea salt.

This is an equal opportunity munition as this would dunk the Thames, Volga or Yellow as readily as any coastal area on earth as the force projection in this theory is a greater amplification of nuclear energy than the atmosphere.

Should we not all just advocate peace and non violence like Jesus the Christ, except when he was whipping Jews at the Temple or telling His Disciples to buy weapons which Peter cut the Police State Guard's ear off, before Jesus put it back on.

This is just another private conversation for scientific examination and advocating peace

PS: This volume of water would probably trigger a series of massive earthquakes in this field, but one simply can not damage things or people already experiencing water force amplification.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
