Sunday, July 7, 2024

General Hamrod Clinton - Global Military Strategist


I'm Comrade General Hamrod. I love the scent of nuclear bomb crematoria ashen expendables
on election mourning.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Finally for the world at large, we have as assessment from a lesbian in how to wage world war, in General Hamrod Clinton has spoken her battlefield expertise for Dictator Biden to implement.

Hillary - Ukraine Must Go On The Offensive For
Biden To Win The Election

Hillary Clinton on the phone. Clinton said, among other things, very openly that Joe Biden's re-election depends on Ukraine's success on the battlefield. Ukraine should not only hold its current positions, but also go on the offensive, and then "of course many people in our country will do everything they can to re-elect President Biden." A "demonstration of resilience" by Ukraine would send a strong message to the rest of the world, she said.

You will remember that it was Hillary Clinton who hired Ukrainian hackers to publish that it was Russian hackers who hacked into the DNC computers which got  Jew Seth Rich murdered on a DC street corner, as Rich knew that was a lie, and blew the whistle on the Clintons and had to be silenced like so many others.

FBI asset Hal Turner has added to the information that Great Game India is pushing this for NATO to trip the wire in Ukraine in the next two weeks.

I am also told by a British Intelligence Source that he "believe(s) we are days or only maybe two weeks away from full NATO engagement in Eastern Europe."

As this Lame Cherry has summed up the November election fraud, "The road for Dictator Biden to steal enough votes to overcome his monumental low poll numbers is Biden seeks to defeat Vladimir Putin, in risking world nuclear, for defeating Putin, Biden concludes he has the only chance to defeat Donald Trump's massive voter lead".

You will remember that Obama's election theft had to flip 10 million Republican voters to gain a "victory". In that Joe Biden needed to pad to over 80 million votes in mail in vote fraud to install himself. What is taking place now on the corpses of Christian Ukrainians is such an immense deficit that Biden needs a war in the Mideast and in Ukraine to "blow the voting system": beyond 40 million votes. That is the projection of how bad Biden's number are.

Just so my children will understand this, Kiev does not have an army left. What will be engaged in, in General Clinton's offensive will be NATO (American French)  direct fire units to hit Russia. What has been taking place are US and British drones, providing intelligence, with Americans, British, French mingled in the command and control to have Kiev Nazi firing weapons at Russians. What will now be "Ukraine" will be actual NATO units carrying out operations in this phase. This is all designed as a built up for the end September blitzkrieg which this blog has examined.

Biden has now authorized US military contractors (Read "Troops") to deploy to Ukraine.

What you will hear in the Mockingbird is a graduated casualty list of NATO advisor by Moscow returning fire. I suspect Russia is to be baited for striking in the Baltics or Romania and Poland. I suspect there will be a very deadly terrorist attack on Russian forces or assets out of NATO countries which will force Russia to eliminate that base. This will then mobilize NATO for this 300,000 Amercan troops to move to invade Russia. There was a massive delivery of American tanks into Poland recently. Those tanks are propositioned for this American invasion force.

This rather feminine reverse engineering in we know that Dictator Biden is using a proxy war by Tel Aviv to expose the Russian southern flank and these NATO operations are for Biden to create half a million Russian hostages on Crimea by driving their military onto that island for Biden to blackmail Russia over.

This is the lesbian order of battle which Hamrod Clinton has not exactly understood the battle plans, but she does not have to. She just knows what needs to be accomplished in rudimentary ideas and things just happen as her Ukrainian voters have been very loyal to her in Kiev and financially generous, as they have been for the Biden crime family.

*The CIA has been running this coup by Bill Burns for some months as they have been told that nuclear war will appear due to what is being engaged in by these Kaganites.

Nuff Said

Circle Jerk Sir Paul - Uncle Albert/ Comrade Hamrod - YouTube

Jul 7, 2011 ... ... off the ground, Die a little, get around Nukes across the water. (Water) Mushroom clouds across the sky. Nukes across the water. (Water) Mushroom clouds across the
