Sunday, July 7, 2024

Tablets of Destinies

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I read quite a bit as I like learning and being afforded some insights into how people are describing the past. One of the items which attracted my attention was the Sumerian Tablet of Destinies which all of the Assyrian kings possessed in wearing it on their chest. I have a few photos below, but I desire for you to hear an explanation which puzzled me, in the author, who I will not name, was stating that there were cosmic wars began over these Tablets being stolen and that these Tablets were the power source for incredible weapons which arose from the Great Pyramid.

That all sounds fantastic, but to let the cat out of the bag, let me put it this way for your insight. Say you go down to your library, and you find a star chart, and the astrology of a leader, would you conclude that this was a nuclear weapon?
The answer is NO for the rich donors so we save time. Yet if you know that stars are hydrogen bombs and that destinies are recorded in the stars, you could project that this was a weapon if you just had a few ancient lines to misinterpret.

If you read the texts below, you will find an explanation of the Tablet of Destinies. They are said to be the course of prior chariots, or if you know this is "gods",and that the ancients termed planets and stars as gods, you should figure out that what the Destinies are, are star charts, and when they are violated, planets disappear, new consorts or moons appear, and yes there are wars in heaven when the charts are missing, and only when the order of creation is restored, in this case as you will read by Marduck, that order or destiny is restored.

Meet you on the other side.

The course of prior chariots, on Tablets of Destinies recorded,

 With evil purpose Anzu the Tablets of Destinies seized; In a sky chamber he flew away, to the mountain of the sky chambers he swiftly went; There, in the Landing Place,

the Tablets to the sanctuary, must be returned! Thus did Anu decree. Who shall the rebel face? Who shall the Tablets retrieve? the leaders asked each other. With the Tablets of Destinies in his possession, invincible is Anzu! to each other they were saying.

the Book of Thoth. Thoth was the Egyptian God of Wisdom and as Egyptian text states that he wrote in this book, all the magic of the world.

"Toth wrote the Book with his own hand, and in it is all the magic in the world. If thou readest the first page, thou wilt enchant the sky, the earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea; thou wilt understand the language of the birds of the air, and thou wilt know what the creeping things of earth are saying, and thou wilt see the fishes from the darkest depths of the sea. And if thou readest the other page, even though thou wert dead and in the world of ghosts, thou couldest come back to earth in the form thou once hadst. And besides this, thou wilt see the sun shining in the sky with the full moon and the stars, and thou wilt behold the great shapes of the gods."

Marduk’s sealing of the Tablet of Destinies, followed by his organizing of the world while wearing the Tablet on his breast, has already emphasized the nality of his establishment of order and the enormity of his power, so he hardly requires the continued possession of the Tablet as a symbol of his primacy or rule.

If you look at the paintings, you will see a great deal of information in them in the codes of Geometry and Physics. The center is the Tree of Life and all things come from this. This is basic science and in that science it all connects into the magic of powers we know and powers like Tesla which we suspect.

We live in an electric universe. There is not a record of all that there is. Some have theorized that electric currents like lightning could generate as in our skies but in much greater measure due to the size of the solar system. I know I have watched footage of Mars in a dust devil spinning and electric shocks are coming from this static electricity. That is Mars in a different electrical charge than on earth. Perhaps things thought of as plasma charges directed by the Great Pyramid and hitting Mars, is not that at all, is not a nuclear bomb, but is a static charge of planetary bodies coming into contact and discharging massive amounts of energy in something we have not seen in the modern era, but were witnessed by the ancients.

I am positive that the Tablets of Destiny were not a power pack energizing the pyramids. They were star charts though.  They were from a period of time in chaos and disorder being sorted out and in that the sorting was some powerful discharges of energy, which was not a war, or a weapon, but just normal physics on a solar scale.

Now could clever humans with demonic consorts figure this out to use it? Of course as Moses records the Egyptians could conjure the plagues which  God produced against Pharaoh.  Energy is energy, and the mind can manipulate that energy.

For those who were there, everything was not a weapon, nor a war started.

Nuff Said
